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Kemper Pelvic Physiotherapy

Kemper Pelvic Physiotherapy

Health + Wellness


About Us

Kemper Pelvic Physio is a Pelvic Physical Therapy Clinic that serves those of all genders and orientations. We treat everyone with a pelvis with a unique, individualized, whole-body approach and we are optimistic that we will be able to help you! We treat bladder and bowel issues, pelvic pain, pain with sex, anything in relation to pregnancy, menopause symptoms, prolapse, and much more. We also have specific training for treating folks of all genders as well as those who identify as transgender. We have many tools in our clinic such as RedCord, dry needling and cupping that we use for treatment. Visit our website, to learn more about how we can help you today!

Featured in Decatur City Lifestyle

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