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Why Supporting Small Business' Matter

Nick's AC and Heating

Many are familiar with the name "Nick's AC" and know they are a reputable and reliable local business. Yet, most have no idea the story behind who they are and what they really stand for. Dan Orientale, the owner, started Nick's Air Conditioning and Heating in 2019. His humble and laid-back demeanor is what makes him so likable, but his life story helps you understand him at his core. 

Raised by a single mother to two boys, Dan quickly became an entrepreneur doing anything he could to make money. Over the years, Dan became a highly skilled tradesman. Then, in 1996, his world changed when he had his son Nick. Dan raised Nick as a single father, which left Nick usually tagging along on jobs. Over the years, Nick picked up on his father's skills, becoming mechanically inclined. At ten years old, he could rewire a thermostat like a professional. He learned to lay tile, paint, and build, making him a skilled tradesman by the young age of thirteen. They had an unshakeable bond, but that doesn't mean it was always easy. Dan shared a story that when Nick was fifteen, he was working for him as an AC contractor, and they often butt heads. He ended up "firing" Nick, which proved to be the best thing for his son. He got a job at a local restaurant as a dishwasher, one that Dan also worked at as a boy. He worked there for five years and eventually became a cook. "He never missed a day or called out sick; he had an amazing work ethic," said Dan. "He always worked hard and wasn't scared to jump right in and do anything. He was always there to help people too. I was so proud of him."

In 2015, Dan left the state of Florida in hopes of a fresh start and exploring new opportunities in Missouri. He desperately wanted his son to come with him, but he understood why he didn't with his whole life being here. During the years Dan moved, he was a truck driver. He enjoyed his job and life but always missed his son. "I started to get this feeling and hear this voice that was telling me to move back to Florida. I couldn't shake the feeling for six months, so I sold all my belongings and decided to move back." On March 6th, 2019, Dan was driving back home with what little belongings he had left, ready to be reunited with his son. However, life had different plans. Dan received a call during his travel home that his son had been killed in a tragic car accident. While I sat across from Dan as he recalled these memories, tears swelled in his eyes. His love and longing for his son was so evident. It was clear he felt robbed of the future he envisioned for the two of them. "I was just a little too late."

"The first few months following the accident are blurry as I was in the middle of moving, trying to get work, and grieving the loss of my son." But, when life is at its lowest, and you think you have nowhere else to turn, God is always working for you. He remembers reflecting on how Nick always wanted them to own an AC company and work together like they did when he was younger. So that's what he did. With help from friends and a lot of hard work, he opened a new air conditioning and heating company. When it came time for a name, there was only one option. "The only thing I have left of my son is his memories. Everything else was taken from me. Naming the company after him allowed me to share one last thing with him." 

 Nick's Air Conditioning and Heating is founded on the identity of honesty, kindness, and giving back. "I taught my son always to do what's right, whether that's the hard thing to do or the easy thing to do, just do what's right." 

It is so evident that Dan has a passion for this work and his customers. You should know that when you receive service from anyone at Nick's AC, you get honest and reliable work. They service the entire Orlando area, are supporters of multiple Veterans programs, and are always looking to help people who are in hardships. "I love meeting people, and I love teaching them too. I want homeowners to be informed about their equipment so they can take basic steps to take care of their home and improve the longevity of their units." It is important to Dan that they keep their prices low and aren't taking advantage of the market, but this is only possible when they have jobs continually coming in. That is why Dan started the Preventative Maintenance Program. This is their Gold package which includes them coming out twice a year (every six months) to do routine checkups and clean everything inside and out. The program also includes 20% off any charges the customer may incur and unlimited free service calls during business hours. 

In today's world, it's too easy to get caught up on the dollar, and while that is important, it's just as paramount to know the work you are receiving is quality and fair. It's equally important to know and understand the people behind the company. This is the actual reason why supporting local businesses is necessary. Every job you book and every dollar you spend is paying someone's bill, putting food on their table, and helping to shape their life. Nick's Air Conditioning and Heating is more than just a small business. It also represents Dan's dreams, work ethic, dedication to his community, and the memory of Nick, Dan's son. In the end, this is what you're supporting when you choose Nick's Air Conditioning and Heating.

  • In Memory of Nick Orientale
  • Dan Orientale
  • Dan Orientale
  • Dan and Nick
  • Nick Orientale
  • Nick Orientale

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