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Understated Sophistication Meets Memorable Meal

How simple household elements can enhance your Holiday table

Holiday Season is finally here and it's time to scramble to get our homes ready for hosting! The anxiety might start to set in as you prepare your dinner table for company, using the same centerpiece or runner you have the previous year… or two. Or, you might not even have a centerpiece because it’s just not your forte! But let’s take a minute to express how easy this can actually be for you to WOW your guests. Take a look around your house, the options are all over - just think outside the box!  Take a scarf to utilize down the center of the table as a runner, mix textures, or dive into those old candles and find ones to mismatch and add height, we could go on & on! There are six key things to think about and focus on when trying to create that unique, DIY centerpiece for the Holiday Season. Meghan Stricker has given us incredible tips for our dinner table to become a sure crowd pleaser this year. Keep it simple and use things from your home or family; afterall, it’s about your story and these are memories for a lifetime! 

Color Scheme:

Thanksgiving has long been thought of browns, oranges and reds, much like autumn leaves. But, add fun pops to adjust this! Elegant burgundy, delicate creams, a bright orange, or my personal favorite - black!


Done are the days of floor length linen. Let your table shine by making a runner out of candles, leaves, pumpkins or lanterns! Should you choose to be traditional, an instant conversation starter and great way to enhance basic linen is adding a runner of butcher paper! It’s a great way to create place cards or even label dishes right on the ‘runner’. 


Remember we talked about the immediate height? Mix pillars, candlesticks and colors! They add an instant touch of class to a simple table. Year over year you can continue adding and mixing the different ones from old to new. Save old bottles of wine, liquor or even beer, to double as a candle stick holder! This will engage conversation and be an easy crowd pleaser.


AH, a must for any table! You can use one large bouquet of fresh flowers or break the bouquet into smaller sections with bud vases to create an array of smaller, simpler statement pieces throughout the table center. You can even use those bottles again as holders! In addition, tie small bundles to enhance your place settings.

Place Settings:

Instead of expensive chargers, simply layer a salad plate right on your dinner plates. Mix textures like a satin napkin with a velvet ribbon, or a baking twine ribbon on a patterned napkin. (I recommend splurging on linen napkins - it’s a game changer!) Add a small element of the holiday like a mini pumpkin or a leaf. Using that butcher paper? Personalize it by writing names at each setting!

For the Kids:

Instead of adding a holiday element to the place setting for kids, add colored pencils or chocolate. If you use butcher paper, let them draw or have everyone write their favorite holiday memory. Add a tic-tac-toe board or hangman to keep them entertained so you can enjoy that second helping of pie, or third glass of wine!

Planning an event? Just under an hour away is Eastpointe Country Club where you can find Meghan Stricker to make your dream event a reality.  With 12 years of experience in the catering industry, her attention to detail and passion for going beyond your expectations, she'll make for your event to be once in a lifetime.

Office: 561.657.4291

Cell:  315.651.7400