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Beautiful is What’s Best for YOU

Makeup artist, Ashley Luque, talks about her definition of beauty

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but for self-taught makeup artist, Ashley Luque, beauty comes from within.

“Beauty is how you feel about yourself on the inside and what you’re exuding out into the world. You are what you put out,” Ashley said.

Ashley works as a manager at MAC Cosmetics where her mother was a makeup artist before her. She said her mother used to work for several makeup companies and her grandmother also worked in the beauty industry. Ashley said she originally grew up in Covina.

With more than ten years of experience, Ashley said her job is to show people that makeup is attainable to educate people on products that might work best for them because everyone has different skincare and makeup needs.

“I do love making people feel good, I really do. Not everyone knows how to do makeup, there are a lot of people who don’t and want to. I love to teach people and show people it’s doable."

"The perception of social media scares me because some people are comparing themselves to girls who use makeup filters and these days even artificial intelligence"! She said some girls might get discouraged by the makeup they see on social media and be disappointed when the same makeup looks different on them. However, Ashley said makeup looks different on everyone and people do not all use the same products or techniques. 

Despite her fears, Ashley looks to expand her social media presence and following. "One of my favorite parts of being a makeup artist is interpersonal interactions, so I am excited and nervous to grow via social media. It’s a challenge for me to really make that transition, but it will happen. Different changes in life (for everybody) cause us to do different things and try new things and that’s where I am now."

Although Ashley loves all different types of makeup looks, she primarily does beauty and bridal make-up looks. She also enjoys doing Halloween looks with fun colors and face paints and wants to learn how to use prosthetics makeup.

“Making people feel beautiful is something that keeps me going.”