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Celebrate Who You Are -

A Journey Towards Emotional Well-Being and Self-Acceptance

Article by Karen Chisholm

Photography by Adina Preston & Phillip Salzman

Originally published in Pensacola City Lifestyle

I love plants, but they may not like us back. Sometimes I tell my husband that I'm a delicate flower, but really, I'm more like a pineapple: hard on the outside, a little spiky, but soft and silly on the inside.

Just like a plant or pineapple, I may not bloom like everyone else. It may take me several days before I sprout, and when I do, I may grow tall or short, or even grow out like watermelon vines. On the other hand, I may not grow at all, but that's Okay. I have to embrace who I am. 

Life moves along and we all say it flies by; one day you wake up and you are 25  with children and then you’re 44 getting out of bed hearing the “Snap, Crackle and Pop” (trademark) commercial, loud and clear coming from your bones. At age 30, we start to lose muscle mass and continue to lose at 10% per decade. Another challenge we face is, as our hormones shift, we experience a decrease in Calcium retention which could develop into Osteoporosis. But wait… there’s more… as we get older we move into menopause. These diverse health challenges and milestones we encounter through different stages of life affect our body, mind and emotions. And it’s tough! 

The foundation of embracing our body should be based on where you want to go or be in your journey; you are the hero of your story. We live in a culture of comparison and it is a thief. In this age of social media, comparison has become all too easy and pervasive. Unfortunately, this tendency to compare ourselves to others can have a detrimental impact on our sense of joy, worthiness and identity. Shifting away from this mindset can be challenging, but it is an important step towards greater emotional well-being and self-acceptance. 

I hear you and understand. It's true that women often take on many responsibilities and put others before themselves. Taking care of ourselves should be a priority. It is okay to say No and seek support when needed. When life throws us curveballs, it can be difficult to stay positive, but remember that you are not alone. Focus on things that bring you joy and take small steps towards your goals. Setting boundaries, practicing self-care and seeking help will allow you to build a firm foundation and move forward. 

You can become the hero of your story by taking small steps towards your goals and focusing on the things that bring you joy. 

Here are some ways to stay positive throughout your journey: 

Create 10 “I am” statements. These may look like “I am a healthy person."I am an amazing mom.” These are great reminders when you are feeling down or had a rough day. Always remember who you are. 

Self-care is not just doing our nails or hair, and spending time at the spa. Self-care can be as simple as taking a walk or sitting in the quiet. Protect your mindset with mantras or affirmations. Find a phrase that speaks to your heart and makes you smile. Put it where you will see it every day.

Examine your Surroundings. Our surroundings can greatly influence our perception of ourselves. The people we spend time with, the information we expose ourselves to, and even the food we eat, can all impact our mental and emotional well-being. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to our environment and make intentional choices that promote a positive self-image and overall wellness. Identify people in your life who may sabotage your efforts and start setting boundaries around them. Then identify people that lift you up and cheer you on, and stay in the community with them.

Find a supportive community. Being a part of a supportive group is essential for personal growth and development. When we surround ourselves with like-minded individuals, we can share our experiences of both success and failure. This creates a safe and encouraging environment that enables us to learn from each other, grow together, and achieve our goals more effectively.

Creating a routine can be beneficial as well. Striving to become a better version of yourself by developing healthy, positive habits is important. These habits can include a structured eating plan, exercise, sleep and hydration. All four of these areas will assist in managing stress and emotions more effectively. 

"To the single mom who cries herself to sleep, to the empty nester who thought she had it all figured out, to the married working mama who struggles to balance everything, and to the woman who is leaving the corporate world and trying to figure out who she is now, I see you. No matter where you are in your journey, even if you haven't started the journey, or don't realize that you're on a journey, know that you are the hero of your story, and you are worthy." 

Know that you are the hero of your story and you are worthy!

I love plants, but they may not like us back. Sometimes I tell my husband that I'm a delicate flower, but really, I'm more like a pineapple: hard on the outside, a little spiky, but soft and silly on the inside.

  • Photo by Adina Preston; Model: Tahne Atkinson
  • Photo by Adina Preston; Model: Tahne Atkinson
  • Photo by Adina Preston; Model: Tahne Atkinson
  • Photo by Phillip Salzman