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Sharon , Kelsey, Kendall and Came Peddie

Featured Article

Fall Fun!

Creative and fun ways to keep your family safe during Halloween

Article by Sharon Caldwell Peddie

Photography by Sharon Caldwell Peddie

Originally published in Boca Style Lifestyle

Ahhh, Fall. It brings us crisp air, changing leaves, beautiful autumn colors and football! It’s such a fun season and Halloween is always one of its highlights. It’s become a long standing, special tradition for ages big and small. Experts say COVID-19 will likely still be very present this fall, so maybe you’re wondering what Halloween might have to look like this year? The pandemic has already disappointingly cancelled so many special plans for everyone. Perhaps some inspired creative planning is in order to ensure Halloween is a happy occasion not stolen off the 2020 calendar too!

One of my favorite things about COVID-19 (yes I said favorite) has been to witness the spirit and determination for joy that lives within so many of us. It’s not that we don’t see and feel the dark, but many of us are determined to always find the light. The darkness of COVID-19 has tried to steal that, but it’s made many of us even more determined and more creative to remain living, working, and playing with great joy!

Boo, we get it, Halloween can’t be everything as usual this year. However, there are still so many ways we can make it fun. If Halloween costumes really originated as disguises to “ward off ghosts”, has there really been a better time to wear masks and dress up in armor against evil? Nope.

All ages are in need of normalcy and something fun to look forward to and celebrate. So, here’s  a few fun ideas to inspire your creative planning so Halloween doesn’t become a ghost of the past or something scary this year:

*For your trick-or-treaters, make individual bags of wrapped candy and set them on your porch for a safe, no contact pick up. Spread the news to your neighbors and on your Facebook and Instagram. 

*Visit pumpkin patches and corn mazes that aren’t highly populated

*Organize a pumpkin carving contest outside with a few safe friends or family.

*Throw a small outside Halloween party with your “quarantine crew” that has been devoted to keeping it safe. Intimate gatherings where meaningful conversation is possible are especially needed right now.

*For 21 and over, organize a Zoom Costume Contest & Happy Hour

*Think of costumes that typically have masks and shields anyway: Superheroes, doctors, nurses, etc. Bring back cool, old school sheet ghosts with strategically placed cut out holes.

Keep your positivity and creative spirit alive, so you can scare away anything trying to spook a Happy 2020 Halloween!

Sharon Caldwell Peddie is a new, Inspirational Writer and Author of “Grow Yourself Beautiful: A Smart Girl’s Guide to Following Her Heart and Focusing on Her Inner Joy”. Peddie grew up in South Florida and now lives in Oregon. She’s a proud UF Gator Journalism Grad.

and currently working on Book 2. Check out her social media for inspiring ways to grow you and your life even more beautiful!,,

  • Sharon , Kelsey, Kendall and Came Peddie