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Paige Bradley and Giulianna

Featured Article

Giulianna in Pink

A Personal Tribute to a Father's Love for his Daughter

When we think of Valentine’s Day, our thoughts often turn to the celebration of romantic love. But there are so many other forms of love to appreciate: the love of food, the love of art, and even for some, the love of work! But for me, 15 years ago, I got hit right between the eyes by an affection so powerful and immense, I could never have imagined it possible. That’s the love between a father and his child.

My daughter, Giulianna, an only child, is the shining star of my life. And, like most parents, I would give anything to make her life better than mine. But the big takeaway for me is that she has brought so much more to my life than I could ever give to hers. Watching her blossom into the beautiful and intelligent young lady she has become is a blessing beyond blessings.

Some say the hardest thing to learn about parenting is how to let go… realizing the little baby you’ve been nurturing all these years really is a separate human being with a mind and will all her own! One day soon she'll be standing on her own adult feet, making her own grownup life decisions.

This realization hit me hard one morning while dropping her off at middle school. Giulianna jumped out of the car and actually forgot to kiss me goodbye! I should have seen it coming. The signs of her growing independence were actually pretty obvious. She blew right past the toddler stage and into her tweens, and she took on interests of her own that were foreign to me. Unlike me, Giulianna loves to dance. She started ballet classes as a 2-year-old and progressed into stage performances and competitive dance into her teen years. She's all in.

I will always cherish the memories of watching Giulianna perform each year in South Coast Conservatory’s production of The Nutcracker. I sat devotedly through no less than five performances every Christmas season... changing seats for each show to get a different perspective. Starting as a baby snowflake, Giulianna worked her way up the cast list. She was a lamb, an angel, a butterfly, a mouse, and a party girl. She never did win the starring role of Clara, but it was a magical growth experience for both of us nonetheless, and I would not change one single Tchaikovsky minute.

As Giulianna got closer to high school, her passion for ballet gave way to more commercial genres like jazz, musical theater, and, of course, hip hop. While I've always loved to watch her perform in any discipline, to me, there was nothing more beautiful or moving than The Nutcracker ballet.

So, when the opportunity came up for Giulianna to pose for the internationally renowned sculptor, Paige Bradley at The Signature Gallery, it was a dream come true for both of us. Giulianna was thrilled to be the center of attention (even while holding that pose for hours). For me, it was the chance to capture the essence of her beautiful angelic soul, cast in bronze, to cherish forever.

You can see Giulianna in Pink and other amazing Paige Bradley sculptures at The Signature Gallery on Forest Avenue in Laguna Beach.

"I met Giulianna only minutes before creating this quick study. She is on the edge of childhood crossing into teenage years. Her excitement and personality are electric. She wears pink with Lululemon shorts - this is really a piece of our era - she has an attitude that she can join into whatever is happening and no girl dress will inhibit her. But with flair, she enters; unafraid and uninhibited." ~ Paige Bradley

  • “Giulianna in Pink” Bronze by Paige Bradley, 23 x 11.5 x 8 in
  • Paige Bradley and Giulianna

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