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Gratitude is everywhere!

Coping with our "new normal" and all that this year has taught us!

Article by Sharon Caldwell Peddie

Photography by Sharon Caldwell Peddie

Originally published in Boca Style Lifestyle

It's pretty safe to say the year 2020 is not what we all wished for as we welcomed it in with our enthusiastic toasts! Never did we foresee a Pandemic crashing through every life on the planet, forcing us to stay at home, stay away from each other, and turn our lives upside down. 

While we were trying to cope with our “new normal” and scary daily news, racial injustice was brought to the forefront through a series of horrific events. It sparked protests against racism, police, and other agendas. Wildfires to the West. Hurricanes to the East. Political unrest everywhere and a presidential campaign to boot. Tragic crashes, killer insects, you get it, you’re enduring 2020 with me. 

So hey, it’s Thanksgiving now and you’re feeling super thankful right? I’m not serious, I know you’d rather skip having to say thank you for 2020. As a writer who searches for inspiration through life’s journey to comfort and help us gain a healthy perspective, I’ve used my “forced time” to reflect a lot. I can honestly say, I’ve arrived at a heart full of gratitude for 2020.

 Ok, this is the part where I fess up, I’ve been accused of being a “Pollyanna” a few times in my life. I will own my rose colored glasses; but in my defense, I’m an informed and grounded Pollyanna. I believe life is about our perspective. It’s how we view and handle the crap thrown at us. It’s how willing we are to see what’s good, and appreciate it.  I’ve had plenty of bad situations in my life. Within each one, there was good too. If a joyful life is important to us, we have to be determined to see the good. It cultivates our gratitude. Gratitude gives us our power and joy. 

20 Reasons you might want to be grateful for 2020


2020 forced reflection time. Our elevated perspective will take us forward to important journeys for our minds, bodies, souls, careers, relationships and pastimes.


2020 made us appreciate our freedom to go where we want, when we want.


Thank you 2020 for strengthening our family units. Thank you for our deeper appreciation for our homes.

Special People 

2020 showed us how important it is to cultivate and nurture our support system. 

Good Health

2020 has sharpened our perspective on the importance of our health and wellness. It had us work together to protect each other’s health. It’s deepened our gratitude for infectious disease control, access to vaccines, hospital beds, equipment and treatment. It’s made us know we’re blessed to have soap and water.

The Power of Human Touch

2020 reminded humans the technology can never replace the power of human touch and personal interaction.

Favorite Places

2020 made us more grateful for the places that give our life important routine, structure, learning, light, and fun. 2020 gives deeper gratitude for our churches, schools, gyms, restaurants/bars & stores.


When bad things happen, unfortunately, we get to see the best and worst in humanity. 2020 showed us there are many more good people in the world than bad. That’s a comforting fact.

Appreciation of all professions

Life had to be so different in 2020, it made us see all professions with more respect and appreciation.  


2020 shined light on the heroes & helpers among us--some looked like we expected, some took us by surprise. We even saw one in the mirror.

Black Lives Matter

Deep gratitude to 2020 for the emergency wake up call, forcing us to open our eyes to the social injustice that still exists. Gratitude for a powerful movement and new hope for a new way of life.

All Lives Matter, of course

2020 wants to teach us that lifting up and protecting one of our children when they need it doesn’t imply we don’t love our other children. 2020 tried hard to teach ALL of us to concentrate more on loving everyone, rather than fighting over rhetoric. 

Convenience and Abundance

 Americans had gotten spoiled. 2020 made us more appreciative of resources and conveniences at our fingertips. 

Live Sports and Entertainment 

Watching our kids play their sport, live concerts, stadiums, fields, arenas, 2020 will have us showing up to experience LIFE more!

Right to Vote 

Rather than memes and screaming at each other on social media, 2020 reminds us casting our vote is more powerful and productive.


Too often people are drawn toward drama and negativity. 2020 reminded us, peace and security are what humans need to thrive.


2020 reminded us that God gave us a beautiful sanctuary called Nature that’s always there for us.

Courage and Resilience

Not knowing how much we can handle during tough times can cause us great anxiety. So much gratitude to 2020 for showing us how strong and resilient we are.

Gratitude for Gratitude

2020, you reminded us the most important lessons of light, often come to us in the dark.


 Sharon Caldwell Peddie is a new, Inspirational Writer and Author of  “Grow Yourself Beautiful: A Smart Girl’s Guide to Following Her Heart and Focusing on Her Inner Joy”. Peddie grew up in South Florida and now lives in Oregon. She’s a proud UF Gator Journalism Grad and currently working on Book 2. Check out her social media for ways to grow you and your life even more beautiful! sharoncaldwellpeddie/



Virtual Interaction

Technology can never replace human touch, but it connects us when we don’t have access to each other. Thank you 2020 for showing us we’re creative and adaptable. We worked, socialized, danced on TikTok, and celebrated virtually like never before!

  • Author Sharon Caldwell Peddie