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How to Maximize Your Home Storage Space


Article by Hayley Hyer

Photography by Stock Images + Provided

I am always running out of storage space. Even after I clean and get rid of a ton of stuff, I feel like the things I keep somehow expand and still take up the exact amount of space! This article by Elizabeth Larkin at The Spruce called How to Create More Storage Space in Your Home has some very helpful tips for maximizing your storage space so you can actually enjoy the benefits of cleaning and getting organized.

Get Rid of Stuff

The first step in creating more storage space in your home is to get rid of the stuff that you’re not using. The best way to maximize your space is to learn how to declutter. Clutter drains energy and costs time and money–so there are many reasons to declutter. Regularly decluttering is a key step in maximizing storage spaces. The best way to declutter your home is to go room-by-room. And, if rooms are large, or complicated, you should start by breaking them up into zones. Work quickly and decides which items to toss and which to keep.

Maximize Your Prime Real Estate

Your prime real estate is the space in between your knees and your shoulders says professional organizer Lisa Zaslow of Gotham Organizers: in other words, the easiest places to reach. The old rules apply here. If something is out of sight, it's out of mind, so keep your most frequently used items in zones matching your prime real estate. Think about what you reach for most often. Those go in your prime real estate storage spaces. If you want something to remain part of your life, store it where you see it often.

Think Vertically

Most people think in terms of left to right, but don't discount that space above your head and at your feet. These are great places to store out-of-season, holiday, or little-used and worn items. In order to take advantage of higher spaces, invest in a sturdy step ladder to allow you to reach this area. Also, don't store anything too heavy up above–no boxes full of books or large appliances! It’s better to use small containers so that if they happen to come crashing down on you. They are not too heavy.

As for the space near the floor, our old friend the plastic storage container is still the way to go. They stack well and make everything from shoes to gift wrap easier to find.

READ MORE: How to Create More Storage Space in Your Home