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Lemon balm ginger tea

Featured Article

Melissa officinalis AKA Lemon Balm

A culinary herb known for its distinct lemon scent and health benefits.

Article by Joanna Sanchez

Photography by Provided

Originally published in Pearland Lifestyle


2 tsp fresh lemon balm or 1 tsp dried

1/4 tsp fresh ginger

12oz boiling water


Instructions Place lemon balm and ginger in a mug. Fill the mug with boiling water. Steep 5 to 10 min. Sweetened as desired.


2-3 cups warm bone or vegetable broth.

Juice 2 lemons

2-3 eggs (depending on desired thickness)

1 tsp fresh lemon balm


Start by cracking the eggs into a bowl and whisk well.

Gradually add lemon juice and whisk.

Slowly add a little of the warm broth and whisk quickly, adding more and while whisking. Slowly adding the broth is to gradually warm up the eggs as to not overcook. 

Pour gradually the egg mixture back into the pot, whilst whisking constantly, add lemon balm, and bring just below boiling point. Remove from heat and serve.

You know the saying; When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Lately, life has been throwing a ton of lemons and with inflation being a hot topic, a good sub for those lemons and an all-around great plant to keep us plant people happy, lemon balm otherwise known as Melissa officinalis is our girl.

Native to the Mediterranean region of Europe and Asia, lemon balm a popular perennial herb easily grown here in the US as well. Known for its distinct lemony scent, culinary and medicinal uses, lemon balm has been making its way into our lives in many forms from lip balms to dressings.

The gardeners rejoice at the herb benefits like aromatic lemon scent, small yellow and white flowers that attract a multitude of insects such as butterflies and honeybees. The herbs essential oil is used as an ingredient in a variety of natural health medications and beauty products due to its antiviral and richness in antioxidants.

With various sizes ranging from microgreens to large leaves lemon balm is safe to consume in regular culinary amounts and is widely used for numerous culinary purposes. The aromatic herb also contains a citrusy taste that combines the acidity of lemons with a subtle hint of mint. Numerous desserts, vinaigrettes, seafood dishes, sauces, and teas can have this lovely herb substituted in, so add it to your next batch of iced tea.

  • Lemon balm ginger tea
  • Melissa officinalis
  • Avgolemono