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Home Is Where the Heart Rate Is

Peloton’s Home Fitness System Spins Up a Fit New You

Ever since the first flint was flaked, home gyms have existed in man caves. But you need not be a caveman or, for that matter, even be a man at all to enjoy a home gym’s many proven health and fitness benefits. Now hold on!  Before you say “Hey, I don’t have the space,” rest assured that you most assuredly do. These days, Peloton exists, a complete home gym that takes up no more room than a loveseat, another item you’ll probably want after that fit new you is in the house. Peloton is a stationary home exercise system and immersive cardio experience that can fit in the corner of a room or even a walk-in closet. So whether you’re spinning or treading or both -- plus working in a bit of the extras such as the resistance bands and the bootcamp weights -- Peloton will definitely get you pumping. The system provides real time metrics such as heart rate, distance, speed and output plus a digitized journal that allows you to measure your progress with every class. And, speaking of progress, Peloton offers something else that normal home gyms do not: accountability. The eighties, you see, are over -- it’s no longer about jazzercising in front of a TV to some fit model in leg warmers. With Peloton, you’re measuring yourself against others around the globe while choosing the workouts that work best for you; there are thousands of expert trainers from which to choose. 

The whole movement began in 2012 and has been spinning up steam ever since. And why not?  Peloton transforms your home into a boutique fitness studio, complete with the community and the excitement but still adhering to the schedule of your demanding day. Plus, Peloton is pliable, accommodating both in level and in tone to fit your mood. Are you a beginner?  Not to worry. Peloton offers low-impact introductory classes that are ideal for learning the basics. Are you already jacked and looking to stay that way? Again, Peloton has what you need with courses such as Intervals & Arms, a workout that will boost your speed, endurance and arm strength as you switch between bursts of effort and free weight segments, followed by recovery. As for the tone of all your toning, choose from genre-specific playlists while you work out or select curated lists from renowned artists. Or perhaps you like it live?  Peloton has that covered as well with top DJ’s joining instructors to give these classes a club-like feel, lending their beats and current playlists. 

However you get your heart pounding, get it pounding with Peloton. Exercise is fundamental to our health, both physical and mental. As author and exercise entrepreneur Bill Phillips points out, “exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant." Yes, in our busy world, it’s often hard to find the time to hit the gym. So don’t. Peloton puts the gym where you are. Take it to the mat with streaming yoga classes from world-class instructors and give it a spin and see how it rolls for you. Don't let busy, busy, busy defeat fit new you. Kick busy’s butt!  A virtuous cycle of fitness is there to be had. Go you!