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Your Dog Wants Things Back To Normal As Well

Your dog wants things back to normal as well!

Being a dog parent is not easy. And being a dog owner with a full-time job that requires you to go into an office daily can be a challenge. After spending 24x7 with your beloved pet since the COVID-19 lockdown began, you may find yourself asking, “what am I going to do with my fur baby while I’m at work?” Given that most dogs are very social animals that love being around people, the thought of you leaving your canine child home alone is disconcerting.

If you are someone who works from home, you may not find yourself needing to address the issue that many others will be facing soon. At the same time, you have realized that your canine friend has become a little stir-crazy being only with you at home day-to-day. You know the look, while you are working at your desk daily, “please take me for a walk or to the park to play!”  Yes, dogs are just like us, they long for activity and socialization. And it can be challenging caring for a pet in between back to back conference calls daily.

In addition to the existing dog owners prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic, there are thousands of new pet moms and dads that have never crossed this bridge before. Having to care for a pet while working outside of the home. Pet shelters in major cities across the US have seen a major surge in adoptions since the initial Covid-19 lock down began earlier this year. It is wonderful that so many dogs now have forever homes, but it is concerning that some new dog owners may not realize the inherent needs of their new canine family member.

There is also concern for the mental state of newly adopted dogs that have been getting unlimited attention and affection over the last few months. During that time, they became acclimated and comfortable in their new environment. Once their owner returns to work, they may possibly become depressed and lonely being left home alone for long hours.

Regardless of whether you work out of the home or at home, the amount of time you will be able to spend with your dog once your routine gets back to normal could be challenging. The good news is that there are several options for your dog to get the exercise, socialization, and affection that they desire and need.

· Set aside quality one-on-one time with your dog daily outside of the home. Take them for walk in the park, on a play date with another dog of similar temperament or provide them play time in a secure off-leash area such as a dog park.

· Check with your office to see if it is pet friendly environment and will allow you to bring your dog to work with you one or more days a week. Of course, consideration should be given to how your dog will react in a new environment and around new people.

· Explore finding and hiring a trustworthy and experienced Dog Walker to come into your home daily to take your dog out on walks while you are at work. This service can also be beneficial to those who work from home and find it hard to break away from their work.

· Enroll your dog in an experienced Doggie Daycare program that best meets you and your dog’s needs. Be sure to ask what the ‘dog-to-staff’ ratio is at any facility that you consider. Adequate staffing will ensure that your dog gets the proper socialization, exercise, and affection that they need. All the while being kept safe!

· Consider enrolling your dog in an Agility course. An Agility course allows a dog to run through a course that involves passing over and through a variety of obstacles. This challenges your dog's mind and body, strengthen their muscles, improves coordination, increases endurance, and keeps them fit. Also, it is a great opportunity for further bonding with your dog.

We can all agree that we are ready for our lives to get back to normal. And our pets are ready too! In the meantime, there are a multitude of options available to you to help keep your dog happy and healthy. Whatever your choice, your dog will indeed benefit from your decision. And in the end, your bond with them will strengthen. Now is the time to act on what is best for you and your pet’s welfare!