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Tasty Vegetables from Pressed Juicery

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Healthcare at Home

Self-Care and Preventive Wellness

Remember those old movies where mothers threatened their children with a spoon of castor oil?
Turns out, oils just might be a way to combat colds! Only, not castor oil. Essential oils, extracted from plants, are natural pain and stress relievers as well as effective safeguards against viral or bacterial infections. Essential oils and other home remedies are viable options for anyone
wishing for natural health options from home. 
From headaches to viruses, depression to stomach aches, applying essential oils is a natural and speedy way to alleviate symptoms. Essential oils like peppermint and frankincense are effective for treating a headache and stomachache, while eucalyptus and bergamot can reduce decongestion and depression. Although not proven to cure colds, research suggests that certain
essential oils reduce flu symptoms and can actually combat the spread and duration of the virus.
(See the Tisserand Institute:
You can use essential oils many different ways. To apply them topically, you can use your fingers or easily rub them into your skin using a roller bottle (which are under $10 at most stores). To use, you add 10 to 20 drops of essential oil to the bottle, depending on the strength of the oil -- some oils, like thyme and oregano, are “hotter” than others and can burn if not diluted
enough. Next, you fill the rest of the bottle with a carrier oil (olive oil, nut oil, jojoba oil, or fractionated coconut oil). Then, snap the lid on and rub on your skin. Be careful to only rub in oils that are labeled as safe for topical use.
Too busy to mix essential oils in a roller bottle? Throw them in the tub. That’s right. Add a few drops of essential oils into the bath as you’re filling it and the hot water will push the oils into the steam. Another aromatic use of essential oils is a room diffuser. Be careful to only use oils that are labeled as safe for inhaling. Lemon, lime, and grapefruit are all calming oils to diffuse into
your home. 
Inhaling pure steam is another effective method to reinvigorate your body or relieve congestion, whether it be an at home sauna or steam rooms at local gyms like Granite Health and Fitness.
Your diet offers you the greatest tool to take control of your health. Consuming regular servings of vegetables and fruits keeps your body supplied with vitamins and minerals, while drinking lots of water helps your body flush out germs. One of the more effective vegetables in curing colds is garlic. A natural antibacterial agent, garlic can be taken in clove or pill form. Vitamin C is another vitamin known for fighting sickness and we get it from eating green veggies, strawberries, tomatoes, and citrus. 
Steady exercise boosts your immune system and helps prevent colds as does regular hours of sleep. Try to get plenty of sleep when you’re sick as it gives your body a break from working overtime.

  • Diffuser with Peppermint Oil
  • Home Sauna
  • Tasty Vegetables from Pressed Juicery