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Featured Article

It's Not What You Have, It's What You Give

How To Show Your Support This Season for Those Who Need It Most

Article by Livia Hooson

Photography by Illustrations Grey Grimm

Originally published in Boulder Lifestyle

Time Well Spent 

Chill Foundation 

The mission at Chill is to inspire young people to overcome challenges through boardsports (snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing), while providing them with lessons and access to equipment. It also incorporates life-lessons that promote personal growth for those who struggle with negative circumstances and come from marginalized communities.

How to help: Every financial donation helps others get access to riding. You can also become a Youth Mentor.

There With Care

There With Care provides essential support to families and children during the critical phase of a medical crisis by providing services that help ease the burdens of day-to-day life and build a community of support for those who need it the most. The organization's support allows families to be present with their child during appointments, extended hospital stays and treatments.

How to help: Donations ensure that the $4,126 needed to care for a family during their crisis is covered (they help 200 families each day). Individuals can sign up for volunteer jobs, administrative tasks or working events. Local organizations or youth sports teams can schedule a team-building activity to help with things like decorating grocery bags with special messages for families. 

Native American Rights Fund

NARF, headquartered in Boulder since 1970, provides legal assistance to Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide who may otherwise have inadequate representation. It aims to assist the 575 tribal governments while operating the National Indian Law Library in Boulder that supports legal research needs to serve the general public.

How to help: Gather the family to host an online fundraiser, share social media posts from NARF’s channels to educate and raise awareness of Native issues or apply to serve as a law clerk, fellow or staff member. Online shoppers can choose NARF as a recipient of a donation from Amazon for their purchases made at 

Mindful Donations 

Bridge House

Bridge House believes in, respects and empowers people who are experiencing homelessness through programs like Ready to Work that offers paid employment in a Bridge House-owned social enterprise, dormitory-style housing and case management support services to its trainees for approximately one year. Ready to Work is intended as a pathway to self-sufficiency, so individuals can leave the streets with the skills and confidence to succeed.

How to help: Support their Community Table Kitchen (CTK) and Danconias Truffle Brownies. CTK also provides mission meals to the homeless and caters events. Visit and 

I Have a Dream Foundation in Boulder

The intention of this organization is to ensure that every child has equal access to educational and career opportunities to fracture the cycle of poverty in our community. For 30 years they have been empowering children from under-served communities in Boulder County by providing academic, social and emotional support from elementary school all the way through college, including post-secondary tuition assistance.

How to Help: Become a Dreamer Scholar supporter by making a donation to give students in Boulder County access to the resources they need to succeed. Host a gift drive to make the holidays a little brighter for Boulder youth. Attend a Virtual Dream Hour event to learn more. 

Green Block Project

Satellite Boardshop’s Raul Pinto is on a mission to keep kids skating within Boulder’s city limits. The Green Block Project is a DIY skate park designed to offer a safe, local and creative space for kids to gather while fostering that familiar neighborhood connection. 

How to help: Swing by the shop (3044 Valmont Rd.) to donate to the project with a check payable to the Play Foundation in care of “GBP” or drop some cash into the ‘green bucket’ to keep this community-driven project in full motion. IG: @SatelliteBoardShop

Environmental Impact 

Ocean First Institute 

Through their educational programming, research and conservation projects, Ocean First inspires young minds to explore marine science and discover ways to protect the planet’s oceans. To date, they have connected 170,000+ youth with the wonders of the ocean and the excitement of scientific exploration to create future leaders in conservation. 

How to help: Stay connected by subscribing to their newsletter, finding current ways to volunteer for conservation projects and engaging in their trash clean-ups. Learn from them on how to become more eco-conscious, like switching to sustainable household products.


Resource Central is a conservation-focused nonprofit helping people save water, conserve energy and reduce waste through innovative programs. By sourcing building materials at their Reuse facility, people can find cabinetry, doors, windows and appliances that make for great DIY projects. Reusing materials diverts about 4 million pounds of building materials from landfills each year.

How to help: Get involved through their Waterwise Webinars, Garden In A Box program or their Lawn Replacement Service to learn from the pros about sustainable ways to manage a lawn or garden. Volunteer options include helping to distribute waterwise gardens, graphic design work and other administrative support.