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Dominique Sachse Style Tips

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Dominique Sachse on Authenticity & Style

The popular news anchor talks about personal style and the power of a frugal fashion find.

Meet Dominique Sachse the News Anchor

As a Houstonian, it is difficult to remember when local news didn’t include Dominique Sachse. A committed member of the Houston news scene, Sachse has been a frequent guest in our living rooms and increasingly on our phones for nearly three decades. The news anchor, who has lived in Houston since the mid 1970’s, started as a traffic reporter in 1993. Within a year she made her way to the anchor desk and has been there ever since.

Meet Dominique Sachse the Social Personality

Social media, specifically YouTube, has had an increasing role in Sachse’s appeal. Over 1.2 million followers tune in weekly for the hair, makeup, and wardrobe tips that she doles out on her channel. Like all of us, Sachse’s style has transformed over the years, and she has made her seemingly natural and sophisticated approach accessible to everyone. “My style is less trend and more underpinnings of class and sophistication. It’s not to say that I don’t like trends or try them, but I don’t do it as often as I did when I was younger,” says Sachse. “If I do incorporate a trend, I always make sure that the overall look is classy and sophisticated.”

Sachse, a mother to one and a “bonus mom” to five children through her marriage to Nick Florescu, strives to be an authentic voice both on-air and through her social media channels. She is not afraid to talk about her favorite drug-store finds, the fact she shops resale, or her love of Rent the Runway. Her viewers have come to expect honest reviews and advice that cover a whole gamut of price points.

“It is in my nature to find a good deal,” she says. “There are some nice higher-end products that I like, but there are also good drug store finds, and I think it is important to share that. If I can find something at the drug store that does the same thing as a higher-end product, then that is what I’m buying.”

Dominique Sachse on Being Authentic

Very simple and easy “L.A. casual” is what Sachse labels her off-air style. She gravitates to jeans, cool sneakers, printed t-shirts and isn’t afraid to be seen out and about or on social media with little or no makeup. She credits the self-confidence of being over 50 for not caring what people think and says, “even when you think you’ve nailed it, someone will have an opinion.”  

Although Sachse has an endgame in mind for her time at the news desk, we don’t have to worry about missing her effervescent style. She is looking forward to expanding her voice and reach on YouTube and will continue to use her platform as a source of inspiration for other women.

“There is value in taking care of yourself to be better for others in your life. There are many channels and avenues in that message, and I look forward to exploring that.”