
Letters to "Our Littles"

Letter of Wisdom to our younger selves from the Ladies of Gilbert

Sometimes when we look back on our childhood dreams, it is hard not to think how differently things actually turned out.   I know that I did not cure cancer, (as I once thought I would), or become that world famous fashion designer as I dreamed of in high school.  I instead am an entrepreneur, a mom, a connector, a wife, and a  friend.  Knowing who I am now,  there are definite tips, I would have given Liitle Kristy.   I asked some of the most successful ladies in Gilbert to share what they would tell their younger selves.   I hope you enjoy these letters of wisdom.  

Allie Stark

Dear Kindergarten Allie,

No matter the number of feet and inches on the measuring tape, the tag size on your jeans, the breadth and depth of your voice or the complexity of your dreams, never diminish yourself in order for others to feel more comfortable.  

Let yourself be the first person to whom you offer grace.  You will often be the person who needs it the most.  

Redefine your definition of success.  Unapologetically forge your own path in your own time.    Success isn’t just about the destination, it’s also about the journey and the choices you make along the way.  

Always try to listen more than you speak, lead with intention, and love unconditionally.      

Surround yourself with authenticity, kindness, acceptance, gratitude, and inspiration.  

Chin up, shoulders back, know your worth, and never settle.    

Melanie Nementz

Hey kid!  Just wanted to take a quick moment to say a few words.

You have been doing amazing things.  The hours you have poured into sports will pay off down the road and allow you to continue doing the activities you love.  Stay focused in school and know your value.  You are a good person and those who know you are blessed to know you.  More importantly, continue to choose those people in your life, wisely.  They will influence you in more ways than you could possibly know.  Treat these friends with great respect as you will be blessed to have them the rest of your life.

Stay true to your family.  They have always been there for you and will continue to be there for you when times get really hard, and it will get hard.  Trust the path that is paved for you and walk it with courage and faith. 

Big and exciting things are in your future.  Take each step, one at a time, while focusing on where they are leading you.  Plan, save, work hard, play hard, and have faith!  You, your family, and your friends, will be ok!  

Kathy Tilque

Dear little Kathy,
I know it is hard to believe but life works out better than you can imagine. You will be
surrounded by those who love you, you’ll find your hometown, and you will be able to use your
strengths to help others. But the road to get there will be filled with opportunities to wander off
the path and then find your way back. If I can share any advice to make the journey easier it
would be:
 Be brave and believe in yourself! Raise your hand and speak up, it is okay to be smart,
even when you are the new girl, in a new school, in a new country.
 Be bold and make some noise! Celebrate your uniqueness. Speak out for yourself and
those who can’t.
 Never fear failure! You’ll miss out on so many amazing experiences if you do. It is not
about having to be the best, it’s about the journey and what you learn along the way that
makes you a better person and prepares you for life’s challenges.
 Sing from your heart! Don’t allow others to dampen your passions.
You’ve got this. Love with all your heart and take time for fun along the way.
P.S. Call Mom and Dad more often and truly cherish the time with them and your siblings!

Stephanie Harvey

Dear Younger Me,

Oh, if you only knew what was in store. There’s so much I want to tell you.

While I won’t be able to change the trajectory of your life (nor would I want to because it led you to your future self), perhaps I can help you navigate the endless waves you’ll continue to ride throughout your young life.

It will not always be easy but hang in there because you’re going to find yourself surrounded by more beauty than you could have imagined.  

So, Younger Me, here are 3 things I would like you to remember that have the power to change everything.

You are worth more than you realize.

I have a feeling you already knew I was going to say that. You’ve already spent too much time wondering if you’re worthy of the promises God has made you. And although I wish I could tell you that you’ve already defeated this negative self-talk, it’s going to continue well into your 20’s. But don’t worry – eventually you’ll start to believe it.

Promise me this. You’ll commit to learning how to love yourself fiercely. You’ll never find your worth in a boyfriend, a job, friends or a city (even if it is New York). Your worth has to come from a deep-rooted belief that you were created to serve a purpose on this earth just by being who you are.

Your worth really has nothing to do with what you accomplish and everything to do with who created you to accomplish it. Give yourself grace, be kind to yourself and remember that perfection does not equal worthiness.

You don’t have to be just one thing. In fact, be all the things.

We live in a world that tells you that you have to be this or that, but not both.

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

As you continue to grow and settle into who you are, you’ll realize that you don’t fit perfectly into one box. And I’m sure you know this by now, but that’s not the easiest concept for you to wrap your head around. But I want you to promise me this…

You’ll always stay true to who you are because that person didn’t happen by accident. You’ll fight hard to become the truest, most authentic version of yourself and she deserves to be protected at all costs. Embrace your grayness in a world that will continue to pressure you to choose black or white.

Be proud of all of your colors, sister.

You already have everything.

If I could only teach you one thing it would be this…

You are surrounded by love and therefore, you already have everything.

The world is far from perfect. Your world isn’t perfect either. But if love remains your foundation for everything, you will always have something to be grateful for.

Love is ultimately what changes the world. And I’ll let you in on a secret, it will change YOUR world too.

So promise me this.

You’ll accept the love around you and you’ll let that love inspire how you love others. And more than that, you’ll let that love inspire how you love yourself.

Love is everything in all it forms and it’s all you’ll ever truly need.

This all may sound obvious, but these seemingly simple concepts will be ideals that one day, serve as the foundation for who you are. Embrace your wholeness, learn from your mistakes, and remember that you already have everything you need.

With all of my love,

Your Future Self

Sarah Watts

Dear Little Sarah, 

I wish I could tell you the journey will be an easy road without challenges, loss, heartbreak, or struggle. The truth is, you will face hard times, question your value, and lose some special people along the way. The journey will also be full of beautiful moments of love, strength, purpose and meaning.  In times of adversity, you will find your character and faith. You will discover the value of relationships and the significance of unconditional love.  

Don’t focus on making life perfect. Don’t hang your value on the opinions of others. Don’t second guess your instincts and abilities. Do your best to remain focused on serving God, loving people, and experiencing everything the journey has to offer. Along the way, there will be many people who believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself. Show your gratitude by paying it forward.  

Last, and most importantly, hug your parents every chance you get and make time for those you love most. And, when that saxophone player in the high school marching band asks you on a date, do not hesitate.  He will end up being the love of your life! 

Emily Staples

Dear Young Emily,

You are such a smart and beautiful girl! Oh the places you will go. The things you will see, the people you will meet. You have a bright and blessed future. Keep doing well in school because your hard work will pay off. Keep your eyes on God because He will take care of you. When days seem rough, yes hard days will come, continue to look up, instead of looking out. As Dr. Suess once said," And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed. 98 and 3/4 % guaranteed.  Kid, you’ll move mountains!"

Kristina Mattson, FNP


You were a sweet and adventurous five-year-old. Now looking back, I wish you knew a few things that would have made things easier for you. First, always live life to its fullest and do what makes you, not others, happy. If not, you will waste time and money entertaining other’s wishes and will eventually end up doing what you want anyways. Second, don’t be so stubborn and learn to accept help.  Many friends and family have experience and connections that can help pave the way to faster success. Accepting their help is not weak, it’s smart! Lastly, set goals that push you out of your comfort zone and be patient. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your lush life. Even if you fail at your goals, eventually it will pay off in a big way. Don’t rush things and do not give up!

Best of luck,

Kristina Mattson, FNP-C

Andrea Brundage

Dear younger Andrea,

There are so many things that I have learned along the way that make life interesting and challenging. Many lessons are learned but there are a few important ones worth passing on:

·         Always make sure you follow your heart and keep pushing forward. Determination and drive have never led anyone down the wrong path.

·         You will not know the answer to everything so listen, be open to learning new things and taking advice from the experts.

·         Believe in human kindness, there will always be someone that has suffered more or achieved more than you, so be kind to everyone. You will not always know their past or what they have been through.

·         There will be moments when you feel overwhelmed and people ask too much of you. Remember there are only 24 hours in a day, and you need to take time for yourself. There is always tomorrow.

·         Take time for family and friends. They are your biggest supporters and cheering squad.


A much wiser Andrea

Janine Igliane

Dear Janine,

You are going to grow up and have an amazing life!  It won't be easy, but don't give up.  Trust that God has a purpose for each pain you will experience.  He is going to use those trials and difficulties to mold you into a strong, passionate, driven woman.  You are going to marry a wonderful man who loves you and loves your family more than anything.  Your future husband is the best example of what it means to never give up, to pursue your dreams no matter how hard it is and how many times you get told no.  You will have 3 amazing kids!  Each of your kids will be unique and special.  They will be beautiful inside and out.  You are going to have a wonderful Real Estate business where you will get to use all of your God given talents and strengths to help others with one of their biggest financial transactions.  You will be very good at it and you will get to help a lot of people.  

But more than all of that Janine...I want you to know that through all the challenges you will face, God loves you, He sees you, He knows you inside and out.  It will take a while before you know that, but He is always with you. Stay strong, stay determined, and don't let anyone get you down because of your strong personality.  God is going to use it for so many good things!

From Your Future Self!

Mindy Jones Nevarez

Dear Mindy,

You are a strong little girl. You can see and feel things in people that others can’t. You are what they call a sensitive person, an empath, someone who can intuitively sense fear, uncertainty, a need for belonging in other people - but more than sense it, you feel responsible to fix it, help it, make it better for them. You know what it feels like to want to be included and you want to be sure that everyone gets the chance to feel what it feels like to be included. You want a level playing ground for everyone, you want everyone to have a chance, you want everyone to feel celebrated and you want to protect everyone from pain. Dearest Mindy, I see you. I see you trying, I see you feeling, I see you loving. One day, others will see you too and it will be the greatest joy you’ve ever felt. You will change the world, you will meet others who will help you in your quest to leave the world a better place than you found it, and you will create the most beautiful little boy who you will teach to see people, feel people, and love people on his own quest to change the world.#bethechangeyouwanttosee

Lindsay Bianco

Dear Lindsey,

If I could go back and tell you a few things that would help you conquer this crazy thing called life, first I would tell you to be kinder to yourself. I would tell you that life is tough, and it can be very hard at times and because of this, you need to be your own best friend, not your enemy. I would tell you to do everything you can to cultivate a positive self-image, both inside and out. Secondly, I would tell you that failing at things is not a tragedy, but a learning experience to make you a stronger and more resilient person. Lastly, I would tell you to not be afraid to love or to accept love from others. We will never know what the future holds, or how long we will have our loved ones, so please make the most out of life while you can. Live big, and love big.

Shadow Asgari

I’d tell my younger self “play more, go and explore, it’s ok to laugh and to be silly. You will wake up one day and the wonder and innocence of childhood will be gone and you’ll spend years mourning it and trying to regain it.  Be your true authentic self and don’t worry so much about what others expect of you and want you to be. Don’t lose yourself in this world.”

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