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Pioneering Mental Health

Guiding you toward hope: Numinus' cutting edge treatments for your mental health journey

We all have mental health. It's an inextricable part of our human experience that colors our worldview—good or bad. Which is why it's vital that we check in with ourselves and attend to our inner lives.

As a pioneer in the mental health field, Numinus offers hope with their innovative approaches and an encouraging track record in overcoming mental health challenges.

One of Numinus' groundbreaking offerings is private ketamine-assisted therapy—a guided, one-on-one experience where you are accompanied by a provider throughout the entire session. This approach has shown remarkable success in helping people overcome conditions like depression, PTSD, and OCD.

Dr. Scott Salomone, Medical Director at the Murray location and a practicing psychiatrist, shares his experience with patients using ketamine treatments:

 "Working with ketamine has been remarkably rewarding. Ketamine promotes neuroplasticity, a term that describes the brain's ability to form new pathways. By doing so, it can help people shake up rigid ways of thinking and allows them to move toward healing. The road to healing still takes work, but ketamine can be a powerful tool for transformation. When standard care takes weeks or months to see benefits, for many, ketamine can cause significant change in just a few sessions."

Numinus is not merely a provider of care but a trailblazer in mental health research and clinical trials. They offer an opportunity to participate in studies exploring the therapeutic potential of traditional mental health medicines and alternative therapies.

In addition to transformative psychedelic treatments and traditional therapy and psychiatry, Numinus clinics provide Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), a FDA-approved non-medication therapy. TMS uses gentle magnetic pulses to activate specific brain areas associated with depression, OCD, and similar conditions.

Numinus’ comprehensive approach ensures that you receive personalized treatment tailored to your unique needs and circumstances all under one roof.

If you're like many of us who are new to the benefits of alternative means of healing, you can learn more by listening to the Numinus podcast (

Wherever you are on your mental health journey, remember that you are not alone. And Numinus is one of those resources dedicated to your personalized care and guiding you toward a brighter future filled with hope and healing.

To find one of their five locations near you, visit: (QR code or tracking link to locations page)

When standard care takes weeks or months to see benefits, for many, ketamine can cause significant change in just a few sessions.

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