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Influential Women of 2024

Fort Collins is full of inspirational, innovative, and influential women. With so many leading the way in the entrepreneurial industry, it’s hard not to recognize the impact they’ve made in so many areas of our community. 

Our Influential Women of 2024 are forces to be reckoned with. Having shaped the business landscape of Fort Collins and leaving behind a refined trail in their wake, they're paving the way for future generations of female entrepreneurs. They’ve shared their inspirations and insights with us on how they not only do what they do, but how they do it so well.

Erin Moreli – Brandt Realty

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to be leaders in their communities?

Women in business, take time to gain more knowledge every day. Be the leading source of knowledge in your field. When you have the knowledge and strength to overcome objections, you will be more likely to succeed and be the trusted representative in your field.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in your career or personal endeavors, and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge is working in a male dominated field in construction and real estate. I learned that to overcome this challenge you have to be skilled, knowledgeable and stand your ground.

If there was one thing you wish you knew before you started, what would it be?

If there was one thing I wish I knew before I started it would be to start sooner. To invest at every chance I get. I highly encourage that in whatever you choose to do in life, NOW is the time to start. Start early, but if not early, it is never too late to begin a new journey.

Saja Butler – Urban Monk Studios

What do you consider to be your most significant contribution to the Fort Collins community, and how does it align with your vision for the future?

My biggest contribution is welcoming people who want to play music at any age learn to play or continue to play music. Because of that, I have students in their 40's-70's playing music, starting bands and playing local festivals! There is no limit to what anyone can do, and I welcome that first and foremost.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in your career or personal endeavors, and how did you overcome them?

Biggest challenges were being a strong independent woman with power and joy before it was popular. I was doubted, feared, and hated due to my self-certainty. I applied for a loan from my own bank for my present Jeep and they couldn't believe I had my own business! Now, after 2020, people are realizing that my power is normal and everyone should have it. Self-certainty creates worlds at your fingertips. And you attract REAL friends. I'm glad people are finally accepting that more.

Who or what has been your biggest source of inspiration and motivation in your journey?

My Dad has been my greatest inspiration, then my mom who just passed in 2022. They were both educators and superintendents. Knowledge is power. We were taught to choose our own path, to learn and travel outside the box, have compassion and be kind, and to be the best of the best. I thank them both fully for that.

Alexandra Rincones – Radiant Dental Health

What do you consider to be your most significant contribution to the Fort Collins community, and how does it align with your vision for the future?

I feel that I have always been involved with my community. I have been in the dental field for more than 20 years providing oral health for those in need. Being Latina allowed me the opportunity to help the Hispanic community by making them feel heard and understood in their own language. I also work for the City of Fort Collins as a Fitness Instructor. I started teaching about 15 years ago in a Program called "Vida Sana" which provided free dancing (Zumba) classes for those fighting obesity and diabetes. All these experiences are creating a healthy and brighter future for me, my family, and the community.

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to be leaders in their communities?

To get in contact with other people. To go out there and talk to people, listen, be active, move, be honest, believe in yourself, find the good in everything. Feel comfortable with yourself. I think being a leader is a characteristic that you can develop but is also a quality that you are born with. Meaning you don't only want to do it, but to feel it!

Tanya Clathis – Licensed Laser Technician & Aesthetician at Xanadu Med Spa

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in your career or personal endeavors, and how did you overcome them?

As a working Mother and person who is always striving for more education and knowledge, I think the biggest challenge is finding balance with everything.

Who or what has been your biggest source of inspiration and motivation in your journey?

I have always said our children learn more by what we do than by what we say. Being a role model for my kids has always been a motivating factor.

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to be leaders in their communities?

Share your knowledge, and never stop learning. 

Andrea Tuell – Andrea Tuell Real Estate at The Group, Inc.

What do you consider to be your most significant contribution to the Fort Collins community, and how does it align with your vision for the future?

I believe in giving, loving on people, and creating positive energy for those around me. I try to give to charities that I believe create a major impact in people's lives and I also make it a point every day to let someone know how wonderful they are and how they make a difference in my life.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in your career or personal endeavors, and how did you overcome them?

We have had a wild real estate market over the last few years and the challenges of it have just helped me continue to grow, be a better broker, and work hard for my clients!

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to be leaders in their communities?

Be yourself and know your worth! Add value to others around you by choosing kindness and creating safe spaces for women to thrive! I am a very proud girls' girl and I love seeing other women succeed!

Jalyn Courtenay Webb – Candlelight and Divabee Academy

What do you consider to be your most significant contribution to the Fort Collins community, and how does it align with your vision for the future?

I think that it is twofold. The first, is providing a safe space for kids to be creative, to heal and to learn how to be kind humans. At Divabee Academy, our focus is beyond the shows we create and perform. Our focus is working with kids to stay curious, to have conversations with others that are kind and encouraging, and to believe in their own unique abilities. With The Candlelight, and soon Boardwalk (our second theatre here in Fort Collins) it is to provide lasting and joyful memories and top tier entertainment.

Who or what has been your biggest source of inspiration and motivation in your journey?

I read a lot of books! I am very inspired by Brené Brown, Maya Angelou, Oprah, and Glennon Doyle. I also am so inspired by the community I have around me! My longtime friend and colleague Cathy Salaymeh, my dear friend Traci Kern, and my friend Kristi Vogel are women who have lived and continued to live with great hardship, and they continue to be positive and joyful in the face of difficult situations.

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to be leaders in their communities?

Lean on your community. Learn from the women who are around you and listen! Finding ways to support the women in your life is my number one piece of advice. I think as women, we are sometimes taught by the media that we need to be "fighting”, - the media often portrays women as catty and as needing to compete. I encourage women to create deep and meaningful relationships filled with support - that will lead to true leadership.

Tamara Wenck – Club Pilates Front Range Village

Who or what has been your biggest source of inspiration and motivation in your journey?

My biggest inspiration is my older sister, Angelia. She is the proud owner of four Club Pilates studios in Omaha, NE. She introduced me to Pilates and inspired me to become a Pilates instructor in 2017. When I became the general manager in 2020, she gave me words of wisdom and it has been wonderful being able to consult with her about studio situations. The growth she has had with the success of her studios helps motivate me to provide the best Pilates experience I can within our studio here at Club Pilates Front Range Village. It was her that inspired me to get into this business and I will forever be grateful to her for it!

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to be leaders in their communities?

The advice I would give other women wanting to go into business would be to take on this role because you want to fully devote yourself to helping others. Being the leader takes a lot of time and effort, so be patient and remember to give yourself grace. Having a successful business takes time, so be kind to yourself and proud of each day. We all have bad or challenging moments, and this is how we learn and grow. A successful business stems from the staff you have and the training you provide, so be present and available to your team. The most important thing is finding joy and love in what you do, so you don't call it work.

"I highly encourage that in whatever you choose to do in life, NOW is the time to start." - Erin Moreli 

 "There is no limit to what anyone can do, and I welcome that first and foremost." - Saja Butler 

"I think being a leader is a characteristic that you can develop but is also a quality that you are born with." - Alexandra Rincones 

"Share your knowledge, and never stop learning." - Tanya Clathis