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Mental Wellness

A Worthy Investment

If discussions of mental wellness have you on your heels, ready to walk out on all that touchy-feely-self-care-nonsense, you might consider shifting your perspective to see it instead as a strategic investment in long-term fulfillment.

When individuals prioritize mental health, they're better equipped to manage stress, regulate emotions, and think clearly. Dr. Richard Davidson, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, studies the neuroscience of emotions, well-being, and meditation, as they relate to happiness, compassion, and resilience. He shows that a balanced mental state is linked to heightened focus and improved problem-solving. This helps us to tap into our creativity and be more resilient in the face of challenges.

Dr. Teresa Amabile, a professor at Harvard Business School, highlights the connection between positive mood and productivity. Having conducted extensive research on the daily experiences of individuals in the workplace, she has contributed to our understanding of the factors that influence creativity, productivity, and innovation within organizations. She is able to show that when we feel mentally well, we are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and committed to what’s on our to-do list. She confirms that a sense of purpose translates into tangible outcomes, like professional success and career advancement.

Dr. Martin Seligman, the pioneer of positive psychology, says that flourishing mental health is synonymous with a fulfilling life. Individuals can enhance their subjective well-being by taking time for self-care practices such as mindfulness, self-reflection, and seeking social support.

Even if lighting a candle and taking a bath for self-care isn’t your idea of a good time, investing in mental wellness can yield substantial dividends (with or without the candle). When we invest our time and energy in cultivating greater mental fitness, we unlock our potential, and feel better while doing it:  a worthy return on investment (ROI)!

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"Individuals can enhance their subjective well-being by taking time for self-care practices."

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