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Eyelashes as a "Must Have" Accessory 


Article by Marjorie Joan & Yashira

Photography by Jeremy English, Kiss USA

Remember the days falsies used to be for photo shoots, runways, models, and actresses?

Not anymore! More and more, false eyelashes are not just a fashion statement, they have become an everyday fashion and casual accessory. My ladies, here are our simple tips to get you started on your daily "falsies"!

Want a simple, everyday look?

First things first, not all sizes fit all, therefore, our first and most important tip, make sure you measure the lash over your eye and cut to fit just over your eyelash. Please note, for comfort, the false eyelash does not have to lay from edge to edge. Second tip, when you trim, trim on the side where the shortest lashes are. That way, your are not eliminating the natural longer curl that will beautifully frame your eye.

Want to simplify its application?

Here it goes - it requires PRACTICE. But, we promise, it will be so worth it. There are plenty of good and natural looking lash sets that range in the $3-$5 range that are great for practice. Mis amores (our lovely ladies), some ladies like to apply the clear glue directly to the lash rim, then place over eyelid. And that is the most common application. Tip number three - allow the glue to dry on the lash for about 15 seconds, then grab with tweezers at the middle of the falsie lash and press against eyelid right on natural eyelash rim. Tip number four - press falsie eyelash to middle of eyelid first, then release tweezers and repeat pressing eyelash at each corner. Avoid any glue on the tweezers.

Glue as an eyeliner?

Yes! It is such a thing, and another way to ease a 2 step application into one step and done! Eyelash glue now comes in black, therefore you may apply as an eyeliner onto eyelid, then press your falsie eyelash directly onto the eyeliner. A total win! While there are a few brands out on the market already, our favorite easy to find is made by Kiss USA, and you may purchase at Ulta Beauty nationwide. It is very affordable (less than $6), stable in its application, and gets the job done, as eyelashes stay in place for a full day or more. Follow the same middle first, then corners application, as described above. This glue is very affordable, dries quickly, and does not bleed. Great glue for beginners' false eyelashes application.

"Lashes speak louder than words."