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In The Comfort of


Article by Renee Donnell

Photography by Provided

Preferred Care at Home thrives to help people hold on to the comfort of their own home while also getting the treatment they deserve. Their passion to help is clear in the many tools, suggestions and advice they offer. Between empowering Seniors to continue living and loving life even with debilitating health concerns, to promoting laughter and exercise for those struggling with arthritis, and working towards healthy communication between families and their loved ones who need extra care, PCH has a heart full of service for those desiring to stay at home instead of moving to a nursing home!

The best way they care for those wanting to stay at home is to understand what they are going through. Having knowledge about who they serve, like common mental health conditions they may face, allows PCH to provide the best treatment possible. For example, depression affects 6.5 million of the 35 million adults over the age of 65. By knowing these statistics, they can provide educational resources and help reduce the stigma around mental illness. This is just one of the ways that PCH equips themselves to better work alongside those needing in-home care.

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