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Relatable Quarantine Woes + Laughs


Article by Leigha Huggins

Photography by Leigha Huggins

OMG Becky—look at her blog!

Just having fun with names here in case all you Lonely Larry’s need a giggle or two, or hopefully three! And you’re most welcome for the cute “you put your pants on today certificate” (see image below).

I’m feeling like all the names now-a-days come with a Silly Sally meaning, so just for fun, I’m going to include some and then make up my own.

Nothing about me feels like Little Suzy Homemaker these days. Betty Crocker, you’re making me look bad! There are times I do the dishes and fill the entire washer, only to discover there is an entire sink still waiting to be washed! Ugh! Not to be a Debby Downer, but the laundry situation is out of control for the fact that I feel like I live in the same comfortable pants day in and day out, every Tuesday! (wait—what day even is it?) I’m pretty sure we all feel like we are living our best Tuesday’s every day. And sometimes we just need to be like Oliver West and go get dressed, regardless of what day it is.

I’m tired of being Plain Jane; you know sometimes I just want to be Felisha, put mascara on and go somewhere—anywhere! And not be Freddie Face Mask, but I get it, and I’m all about being safe. You know, maybe I’ll just pretend I’m Billy Badass and put on some old school music with my best mask and make the most out of it. I’m pretty sure there is a TikTok for this—or should be! Timmy TikTok, did you have that one on video?  

There are days when I don’t even want to be In Charge! Where is Marge when you need her? Also, is she a great teacher too, because I’m hiring? 

Hit the follow, Jack, we would love to have you back.

AND... Congratulations Karen, you’re now my manager!

With hopeful laughter, or a smirk,


Don't forget your 'You Put Your Pants on Today' certificate!

Provided by the amazing Kelly Louise, author of Oliver West! It's Time to Get Dressed!

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