If you are stuck between hiring an independent caregiver versus hiring an agency to deliver care, we have come up with some pros and cons to help you make an informed decision. Here are some advantages of hiring an agency:
Caregiver backup for emergencies — We are ready and able to fill the need with one phone call.
Bonding, liability & workers comp. insurance — Our staff are bonded and insured, giving you peace of mind that if the caregiver hurt themselves in your home they would not sue your home owners insurance policy.
Quality control & supervision of home care staff — All cases are carefully monitored and supervised by our Geriatric Case Managers and our management team. We complete random visits regularly and family members are kept informed on a regular basis. Additionally, our caregivers are supervised by a Registered Nurse to ensure your family member is well taken care of.
Continuing caregiver training — We provide continual mandatory in-service caregiver training.
Payroll, taxes, and IRS — We assume responsibility.
Criminal background and reference checks — Our employees are carefully screened at the time of hire with several layers of thorough background checks. Approximately 90% of applicants do not meet our high standards.
Flexibility of home care services — Your home care service requirements will rarely stay the same. If the skill level or amount of care that you require increases or decreases, we can accommodate your needs.
Experience — Our caregivers have been delivering quality home care to satisfied clients for an average of over seven years.
General availability — We can provide home care services to you and your family 24 hours/day, 365 days/year. Your caregiver is available on weekends and holidays.