Here at The Rob Ellerman Team, we can help you in more regions in just Kansas City! The last few months have been super busy for The Rob Ellerman Team! We have added new agent to our team in almost every market. We are so happy to have all of these new members part of our team! We added members to our Springfield, MO office, our Des Moines, IA office, our Leawood, KS office, our North Kansas City office, our Lee's Summit, MO office, & or Lake of the Ozarks office! Get to know a little bit about our member below!
- Brandi Lewis - Lake of the Ozarks
- Brandon Brumley - Lake of the Ozarks
- Cody Giedd - Springfield
- David Kinsley - Springfield
- Riah Stone - Springfield
- Mary White - Springfield
- Amber Blakley - Kansas City North
- Guy Harris - Lee's Summit
- Johnna Dean - Lee's Summit
- Robin VanRoss - Lee's Summit
- Arcaley Lopez - Lee's Summit
- Nasra Abdi - Town Center
- Jessica Johnson - Des Moines
- Marizela Usher - Des Moines
- Katie Summers - Des Moines
- Sladjy Milovic - Des Moines
Wanting to make a change professionally? We are located in 5 States that include: Florida, Iowa, Kansas Missouri and Texas! Contact us to get started today!