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Air that's Polluted Won't be Saluted!


Article by Japheth (Jae) Pizarro

Photography by Japheth (Jae) Pizarro

Has anyone ever asked you to come "inside" for a breath of fresh air? No? Me neither, as we grew accustomed thinking that the cleanest healthiest air is always found outside the home. I remember growing up in the 90's when my parents practically kicked me out the house, so that I could clear my lungs of the stale air within the confines of my fanatical video game dream space.

Per their online site, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) celebrated 50 years since it was established on December 2, 1970; to organize our nation's research, monitoring, standard-setting, and enforcement activities, to ensure environmental protection. The year 2020, which ironically saw the U.S. face a global air safety pandemic, also brought the 50-year milestone of The Clean Air Act, and all the progress in maintaining a clean environment that has stemmed from this ground breaking commitment. The Act calls for “states and EPA to solve multiple air pollution problems through programs based on the latest science and technology information.”

What does the Clean Air Act do for us?

The EPA and Clean Air Act protects the air we breathe outside the home, and why our commitment to mirror this convention, with our Rainbow-Fresh Air, is the one platform we have lived by and continue to live by. It is that same commitment that has been at the helm of who we are for an additional 35 years prior to the act, as we have been in operations for 85 years. What are you waiting for?

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