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2021 Men's Movers + Shakers

Neighbors Moving Highlands Ranch and Lone Tree Forward

Here are our 2021 Men's Movers and Shakers. In these pages, you'll find local men doing great things in our community.  We are proud to call them neighbors.

Darryl Jones

Senior Vice President
Coventry Development Corporation  

Tell our readers about yourself

I’m Darryl Jones, Senior Vice President with Coventry Development Corporation (CDC).  I completed my landscape architecture degree from the UC Berkeley and master’s degree in City Planning from MIT. I’ve lived in Colorado for 23 years.

Additionally,  I work with the Urban Land Institute, whose goal is is promote best practices and education in the real estate industry.  Since the events of the George Floyd murder last year they have begun to dedicate efforts on understanding and helping eliminate systemic racism and discrimination in the real estate industry.

How did you come to work in your specific field?

It all started with an interest in the outdoors on family vacations to our national parks, observing the natural environment. After college, I became interested in the organization of the built environment. I spent a number of years working in the public sector as a city planner creating interesting urban places and natural spaces.

Specific to the 2020 pandemic, what challenges did you faced professionally?

Necessity is the mother of invention and we needed to continue conducting business and moving the economy forward. While we are working remotely like most companies, real estate transactions still require establishing relationships and physical observation of property as part of due diligence. We have a small, local team to meet those needs.

"It all started with an interest in the outdoors on family vacations..."

Bill Martin

Founder, BP’s Fight Against ALS

Tell us about yourself.

I’m  Bill Martin and I live in Lone Tree, Colorado and with my wife, and two children.

How did you come to work in your specific field.

I was senior buyer for sports apparel. Sports Authority closed in 2016, and two weeks later I was diagnosed with ALS. I’d been an active 50-year-old, my first symptoms were in my hands, like typing at work and holding onto the bar for pullups. I couldn’t keep my weight up despite consuming 4000 calories daily.

ALS is typically a two to five year disease the from time of diagnosis. As my mass and strength diminished, I realized my purpose on this earth is to raise awareness for this rare disease. I founded Bill Paul’s Fight Against ALS to raise money to increase awareness of ALS and fund research. That fuels me everyday.

Tell us about testifying in front of Congress.

As a board member of the Rocky Mountain ALS Association, I was asked to testify to Congres about better funding ALS research. I spoke virtually with three Congressional representatives as well as a Senator. As the saying goes, it is not an incurable disease, it is an under-funded one!

What is the best advise you’ve received, and that you repeat to others? 

“Don’t waste your time looking back, you’re not going that way.”\

"It is not an incurable disease, it is an under-funded one!"

Bob Miner

Team Lead, Miner Real Estate Team

insta: @minerrealestateteam

Tell us about yourself.

Bob Miner  Realtor, Team Lead of Miner Real Estate Team, Real Estate Broker for over 15 years. Currently I live in Highlands Ranch, I grew up in Littleton. My family includes my wife Carrie, our 3 kids & 2 American Bully pups: Bodhi & Zelda Rue.

I strongly believe in giving back to the community – proud sponsor of local schools’ fundraising events like MVHS Golf Tourney & Wish Week. We support Denver theatre & Colorado Ballet among others.

How did you come to work in your specific field?

I have always been passionate about real estate/homes, negotiating & determining the value of items in the marketplace. I knew I could use this to help people achieve their real estate goals – successfully helping clients this is my passion & motivation.

If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?

This is what I am meant to be doing, but in a fantasy land after much improvement…a professional golfer.

How do you disconnect from work and maintain balance? 

Disconnect…what is that? I try to be as readily available to my clients as possible to guide them through what can be a very stressful time for people. If I do have downtime, I try to ski, golf & catch up on local sports!

"I strongly believe in giving back to the community."

Scott Russomanno

Founder/Executive Director, All-Stars Club

Tell us about yourself.

I'm Scott Russomanno, a Colorado native, Highlands Ranch resident with my wife of 11 years, three incredible children, and Mr. Bojangles, our boxer. I’m Founder and Executive Director of the All-Stars Club, a ministry that provides life-giving events for friends with developmental disabilities while offering respite for their families. My wife and I also own and operate two Pure Barre fitness studios in the area and share homeschooling duties.

How did you come to work in your field?

In 2006 I started an adult sports ministry at Red Rocks Church which partnered with local charities. It became apparent that families caring for adult children with developmental disabilities were vastly underserved. The Lord put into our hearts to serve this need with free events for friends with special needs that focused on fun, friends, and faith, all while giving their caregivers a break.

What is the best advise you’ve received, and that you repeat to others? 

My favorite professor said, “competency is our primary witness.” We are most influential when we are at our best and strive for excellence in our craft.

If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?

No doubt, a YouTube channel like Dude Perfect and practice creative and nearly impossible trick shots all day.

"The Lord put into our hearts to serve this need..."

Dr. Douglas Jackson

President/CEO, Project C.U.R.E

Tell us about yourself.

 Dr. Douglas Jackson, President/CEO of Project C.U.R.E. Founded in 1987, we deliver hospital equipment and supplies to some of the most underdeveloped international areas.

Additionally, I sit on numerous corporate and civic boards and am a Paul Harris Fellow with Rotary  International

How did you come to work in your specific field?

In the 4th grade, I wanted to be a judge. My public-school tenure was less than notable, but I kicked into gear and graduated from college, completed law school and passed the bar at 23. After working in law, I returned to earn a PhD in finance.

My early career provided many blessings, so I agreed to assist my dad with Project C.U.R.E until my savings ran out. That was 23 years ago.

Specific to the worldwide Covid pandemic, what challenges did you face, and how did you respond?

Beginning in March 2020, we pivoted 180 degrees to providing PPE and other necessary equipment to U.S. hospitals and others on the frontline of the COVID fight. We launched PPE drives with professional sports teams including the Denver Broncos and many others. 

What is the best advise do you repeat to others? 

The older I get, the more advice I seem to share. Sometimes, it’s welcomed. “The game to win is between our ears” is my current favorite.

"The older I get, the more advice I seem to share. Sometimes, it’s welcomed."