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2024 Men of Influence

Caring for Our Community's Safety, Health, and Business Wellbeing


the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something or the effect itself.

Influence, not influencer. Long before TikTok and Instagram reels, the men here were effecting change, in person, right here in Northern Douglas County.

Sergeant Kenneth Anderson

Douglas County Sheriff's Department

I grew up in poverty, raised on welfare in a single-parent home in Cleveland, Ohio. Drugs and violence surrounded our home, but it was a better situation than many in my neighborhood. 

I started working at age 13, and my paycheck often helped meet household needs. My mother’s tough love helped me grow up a fighter—not a brawler, but a fighter for good, fighting to make it and do right. 

Without financial assistance, I studied at HBCU Central State University, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. I began working as a corrections officer in 1998 while attending the police academy. After that, I became the first African American police officer with Butler Township PD. 

 In July 2015, I joined the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. I’ve worked as a patrol officer and an elder abuse detective. I was promoted to Sergeant in 2023 and am a father of a 13-year-old daughter.

My journey is a testament to resilience and determination. I refused to be defined by my circumstances, and instead, I chose to fight for a better life. Now, I’m reaping the rewards and consider myself fortunate to work at DCSO, serving as a role model for others. 

What does a typical day look like for you?

My job is to oversee the jail's operation, ensuring the inmates are cared for, and my deputies and detention specialists get home safely to their families at the end of the day.

What makes you laugh?

A good comedy. Anything with Adam Sandler and Kevin Hart.

4000 Justice Way. Castle Rock,

Dr. Matt Mendenhall

Chief Medical Officer at AdventHealth Littleton Hospital

Emergency Room Physician

I grew up in Austin, Texas, and graduated from the same high school as Drew Brees and Nick Foles. As it turns out, they are both younger than me and dramatically better at throwing a football.

I graduated from Rice University in Houston, Texas, with a Bachelor's degree in Sociology. I received my Doctor of Medicine degree from the Stanford University School of Medicine and a Master of Public Health degree from the University of California at Berkeley. I completed residency training in Emergency Medicine at Denver Health. Recently, I received a Master of Business Administration from the University of Colorado. Without a doubt, I love learning new things.

What do you love about your job?

I'm proud to be part of AdventHealth, whose mission is to extend Christ's healing ministry to our community.  Our team of healers provides the highest quality and most innovative healthcare in Littleton and throughout the region. 

Further afield, AdventHealth serves communities in Nepal, Peru, Rwanda, and Ukraine through a partnership with Global Health Initiatives. The need for healing does not recognize imagined borders.

I've seen places in rural Africa where women and children walk for hours to carry water from an open, festering hole in the ground. Infectious diseases are rampant and will kill many of them. I've seen the desperate family of a sick man wait by the side of the road for hours, praying for a benevolent soul to deliver him to a hospital The opportunity to heal surrounds us wherever we go.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve heard?

"Be curious, not judgmental." – Ted Lasso

Soufiane Elaamili

Entrepreneur/ Business Foundry Owner

I moved to the U.S. in 1995 from Morocco to pursue my computer science degree at the University of Houston. I came to Denver in 2002 for an MBA from Colorado Technical University and embarked on a technology consulting career. In 2005, fate led me to meet my wife, Anna, at a local Starbucks. Together, we've shared 17 wonderful years and are blessed with our spirited daughter, Cami, who brings joy to our lives every day.

What led you to your profession?

After my graduate studies, I was recruited by Autodesk, one the leading software companies in the world, whose flagship product, AutoCAD, is used to design almost every construction project in the world. After a successful career as an executive for leading global software companies, I launched my first Tech start-up, XD Innovation, with three people and built it into a 100+ person global technology provider with operations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, UK, France, and Japan. I also launched a digital marketing company, Martek. As an entrepreneur, I currently run several companies in tech, marketing, and real estate. My latest passion project is the Business Foundry, a local community business center where we help incubate and accelerate small businesses.

You’ve enjoyed great career success so far. What is your ‘why' for opening Business Foundry?

I want to be more involved with my local community and give back to small business owners and entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses. More than a coworking or events center, Business Foundry is a business accelerator that helps people connect, learn, grow, and succeed in business. Speaking from experience, entrepreneurship can be lonely and hard. We aim to create a community that supports one another.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve heard?

Be yourself and believe in yourself.

9044 Forsstrom Drive, Lone Tree

“I became a doctor because I want to heal. People arrive at the hospital broken; minds, bodies, and spirits shatter with a sudden change in health. The privilege of witnessing those moments is sacred."

Entrepreneurship can be lonely and hard. We aim to create a community that supports one another.