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A Space to Call my Own


Article by Sue G. Collins

Photography by Sue G. Collins

I am an editor of five monthly Lifestyle Publications magazines and a travel contributor to a few other national publications. I have worked from home for nine years and have my happy little routine and space carved out nicely to be productive.

Well, now I have two kids home from college and my husband has been working from home for two long weeks. We meet for coffee in the morning and convene in the kitchen for lunch, snacks and water cooler chat. They are all gifted conversationalists, interested in current events, music and cynical humor. So, we have lots to talk about. And, that's the problem. I'm used to being home alone. Working alone. In any room, but especially my office. While I was happy to give it up to my husband since he spends more time on the phone than I do ("and nobody needs to hear that," according to my daughter), I miss my stuff. My books and notebooks full of scribbles from my trips, postcards on the window sill, stones plucked from the shores of Lake Michigan and mountain streams where I've fished. 

But, today, a sweet new writing desk is being delivered (ordered a few weeks ago) and I'll make a corner of our bedroom all my own. It will be fine. We will all be fine.