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24 Hours with Nicole Stephens

A Day with a Lifestyle Pubs Photographer

Meet Nicole!

"I have loved photographing people as long as I can remember. I worked on my high school paper and majored in fine arts with a concentration in photography at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. But to date myself, they were not teaching digital in school at the time.

Capturing memories for families is the best career I can imagine. I get to not only help create memories for families but also watch the families grow.

As you will see some of my favorite places to photograph are in and around Dunwoody, Sandy Springs and Alpharetta. Dunwoody Nature Center offers a great national environment with lots of trees. Garrard Landing offers a variety of different backgrounds. Everything from bridges and streams to fields and tall brush. At Wills Park, there is lots of open space and beautiful trees. Big Trees Forest Preserve has limited lighting but very lush with large trees and paths. Mill Creek Pond offers many photo opportunities, too.
Nicole is currently booking for fall sessions with two mini session dates: October 5 and 12. Be sure to mention you're a Lifestyle Publications reader!"   


24 Hours with Nicole

6:30 AM Wake up and get ready for the day. Wake up kiddo to get him ready for school. Feed dogs, kiddo and head to daycare. 

9:30 AM  Off to my photo session, whether it be a newborn, family, office space or headshots. I love the variety and each client offers different challenges and opportunities for me as a photographer.

2:00 PM Wrap sessions, then home to unload gear, grab a snack and mail and throw in a load of laundry.

3:00 PM Download images and back up, attack billing and bookings calendar. I have to stay ahead of the season, reach out to past clients and follow up with new clients. 

4:30 PM Gym...destress! This is my time to blow off steam and get in my cardio before I pick up my kiddo.

5:45 PM Head home to cook dinner, feed two fur babies.

6:30 PM  Sit down with family and discuss the day. Listening is as important (if not more) than sharing and this time is special, if not a little chaotic.

7:30 PM Get kiddo ready for a bath. Hubby reads him a book and I get his clothes ready for the next day. 

8:30 PM  Shower and get everything ready for the next day. 

9:15 PM  Sit down with hubby and edit dozens of images while we discuss our days and watch some TV. 

10:30 PM  Bedtime!