Travel Goals: 100 Things to Do Before You Die was originally published on The Savvy Globetrotter
We all dream of visiting certain places in the U.S. and around the world: the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Canyon, the Taj Mahal, etc. But have you ever sat down and written out an actual travel bucket list? While we are cooped up at home, grab a pen and paper—or better yet, a world map and some push pins—and brainstorm the destinations you must see in your lifetime. The Savvy Globetrotter shares his list of 100 travel goals for inspiration.
If you love to travel you probably have an endless travel bucket list of places you want to visit and things you want to see and do before you die. Sometimes it can be hard to narrow down where to go so to help you decide on your travel goals I’ve put together the ultimate travel bucket list with the top 100 things to do before you die. Why 100? Partly because 100 is a goal worthy (but feasible) number to aim for – not too few destinations that you will check off the list in a few years but not so many things that would make the list impossible.