Summer is here with a vengeance with no chance of cooling off anytime soon. We want our Houston family to stay safe while we endure the high temperatures. Make sure you are doing the following and keeping an eye out for each other so we are all okay.
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Stay in an air-conditioned room, out of the sun
- Check up on relatives and neighbors
- Do not leave young children or pets unattended in vehicles in any circumstance
- When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening if you work or spend time outside
For your furry friends:
- Make sure you are walking your dogs either in the early morning or later evening when it's cool and be mindful of the hot concrete for their sensitive feet
- Do not leave any pets out for long periods of time and if it's a must, make sure they have cool water and protection from the hot sun