There is only a plan A there is no Plan B.
I told myself this when I signed my first contract to rent a back room from a gym owner in TN in 2016.
I literally walked into the gym and asked to rent their back room. I had no plan, but I knew I had to make $800 to afford rent.
Fast forward to 6 years of grinding, failing, getting back up, lessons learned, a 15k loan, never giving up and immense consistency, I am doing it!
I reflect back on what has literally gotten me to this place and its 3 things:
- Investing in myself even when it scared me. Everything I have ever wanted has been on the other side of fear. I can spell out every big moment that scared me and every reward that came from conquering that fear.
- Hiring people smarter than me to keep me accountable and help me be successful in my dreams.
- Playing the long game… Not looking at 1 week or 1 month in front of me… but where I want to be a year, 2 years, 5 years from now.
- Being extremely focused on the system and consistency it takes to get there.
Six years ago, I WANTED so bad to have THIS life I am leading today. And now I am HERE living my dream.
I think when we live from day to day, week to week, and month to month trying to measure progress, it's SO hard to see the potential of where you could be 1, 2, 5 years from now, Instead I want you to think back to where you were 5 years ago and truly reflect on how much you have done in just that short of time.
I want you to know that at Gray Nutrition we don’t play small, we don’t lose, we are winners!! We believe anything we put our mind to, we can achieve!
I want every one of my clients to feel that they can conquer their goals and have the strategies to do so. That you don’t have to be stuck in this body, life, mindset that you don’t want to be in right now.
I teach nutrition- OF COURSE! But my main goal for my clients is to prove to themselves that they CAN DO HARD THINGS. WHY? Because when you can prove to yourself that you can accomplish your goals, it lights a freaking fire under your butt!
Before we go my question to you is: Where do you want to be a year from now? 2 years? 5 years?
It’s time to START NOW.
Invest in yourself, hire people smarter than you to get there, and give yourself a plan A!