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What’s the Deal with Dental Veneers?


Article by Denise K. James

Photography by Rhythm Creative / Sam Evans

Partner Content

A smile is our calling card and is closely associated with our identity. If you’re fortunate enough

to love your smile, keeping up with oral health is probably sufficient to keep it looking strong

and happy for years to come. But if your smile is something you’d like to change, you’re in luck!

It’s easier than ever before, thanks to modern medicine and the progress of cosmetic dentistry.

For Dr. Julie Webb and Dr. Deanne Vail at Homewood Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, dental

veneers are one of the products they are most often asked about — and they take joy in

educating local patients and offering them a chance to love their smiles.

“I believe a smile can change not only your own disposition, but your interaction with others as

well. Some people just need a little more confidence to smile, which can be accomplished with

veneers,” said Dr. Webb.

So what exactly are dental veneers? Put simply, they are a layer of porcelain or composite resin

custom created to fit snugly over your natural tooth and change the “look” of that tooth, as well

as providing a few other key benefits. In addition to a veneer changing the tooth’s shape or color,

it can provide protection for the tooth from decay, sensitivity and discoloration.

“Veneers are one of our best cosmetic dentistry options available for enhancing and improving

smiles,” Dr. Vail reiterated.

The process of getting dental veneers is fairly straightforward. First, you’ll consult with your

dentist and determine what kind of veneers you want and what they will cost. The process

begins with your dentist taking x-rays of your mouth and shaving the teeth down slightly to

create room for the veneer, then creating a mold of your natural teeth. A short time later, your

custom veneers come back, and the dentist gives you a thorough cleaning before applying the

veneers and cementing them to your teeth. Thanks to modern medicine, you should not feel any

pain or discomfort throughout the process, and the veneers should fit like simply another layer

of the natural tooth. And unlike a few other major dental procedures, you should recover swiftly

from getting your veneers and feel ready to smile soon afterward.

“With over 20 years experience in cosmetic dentistry, I have never had a patient express any

regret after the veneer placement. They only wish they had done it sooner,” added Dr. Vail.

While the average veneers last about a decade, if you take optimal care of your teeth, brush and

floss regularly and maintain regular dental appointments, porcelain veneers may serve you for

as long as 20 years. Wearing a mouthguard at night, avoiding ice and other hard items and

chewing carefully, mainly with your back teeth, can help extend the life of your veneers.

If you’ve been curious about veneers — or you’ve been imagining your smile looking just a bit

different — get in touch with Dr. Webb or Dr. Vail to find out more.

“I love to see the transformation in a patient’s self-esteem after placing veneers. Everyone loves

a gorgeous smile!” said Dr. Webb.

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