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5 Healthy Habits for Social Events


Article by Audrey Zona

Photography by Audrey Zona

Being healthy doesn't mean you have to be anti-social. There’s no need to avoid parties when you are establishing your healthy habits. Although we're dealing with COVID and our social obligations have quieted down, you might still be invited out to dinner or to someone's home for a summer BBQ. Many of my clients are working on losing the "quarantine 19", so going out for meals can be a bit tricky! Just prepare yourself with strategies like these ones:⁠

1. Don’t go out on an empty stomach.

Pre-eat a healthy meal or snack before arriving and stick to the healthier food options at the event.⁠ It's best to not show up too hungry, as you'll most likely not make the best choices and you'll tend to overeat.

2. Drink to your health.

Think about which drinks you choose. Did you know that a few glasses of wine can set you back over 200 calories? Try alternating alcoholic drinks with water or seltzer, and consider trying the cleaner alcohols like vodka, tequila or white claw.

3. Pause for 10 minutes before going for a second helping.

Your stomach knows it’s full, but there is a delay in that “full” signal to your brain. If you pause before going back to the food, you may find that you are not actually hungry.⁠

4. Scope out the buffet.

Before grabbing a plate, walk along the buffet to find clean and healthy food options and always load up on salads and veggies for extra fiber and bulk.

5. ⁠Pack a snack.

If you find that all of the food options are no-gos, then you will be so glad you came prepared. Believe me, no one will even notice!⁠