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Spring Home Maintenance Tips

Essential Maintenance Tips for a Blooming Season

Article by Susan Brewer

Photography by Susan Brewer

Spring Ahead, Home Sweet Home: Essential Maintenance Tips for a Blooming Season!

With winter's chill fading and spring's warmth blossoming, it's the perfect time to rejuvenate your home alongside nature's revival. But before you embrace the outdoor activities, ensure your home is prepared for the changing season with these essential maintenance tips:

Exterior Refresh:

  • Roof Revival: Inspect your roof for loose shingles, damaged flashing, or debris accumulation. Schedule repairs or cleaning to prevent leaks and water damage.
  • Gutter Guardian: Clean out leaves and debris clogging your gutters, ensuring proper drainage and preventing foundation issues. Consider installing gutter guards for long-term protection.
  • Spout Spot Check: Ensure downspouts drain away from your foundation to prevent erosion and basement flooding. Redirect them if necessary.
  • Deck Detox: Clean, stain, or seal your deck before spring showers arrive. Inspect for loose boards or railings and make necessary repairs to ensure safety and enjoyment.
  • Landscaping Love: Prune dead branches, trim overgrown shrubs, and refresh mulch beds for a vibrant curb appeal. Address any cracks or damage in walkways or patios.

Interior Awakening:

  • Furnace Farewell: Schedule a professional furnace cleaning and inspection to ensure efficient operation and prevent future issues. Replace air filters for improved air quality.
  • Fireplace Finesse: Clean your fireplace flue and chimney to prevent potential hazards and optimize performance.
  • Air Vents Ventilation: Clean and vacuum air vents and registers to improve airflow and indoor air quality.
  • Window Washing: Wash windows inside and out, letting in the sunshine and maximizing natural light. Don't forget to clean window screens for improved ventilation.
  • Spring Cleaning Spree: Deep clean your home, focusing on areas neglected during winter. Remove dust bunnies, wipe down surfaces, and declutter for a fresh and organized space.

Bonus Tip: Check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms, replacing batteries and ensuring proper functionality for continued safety.

By following these simple steps, you'll ensure your home is ready to embrace the beauty and joy of spring. Enjoy the season's bounty with a well-maintained home that not only looks great but functions flawlessly!

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