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Luxury Lake Living


Article by Amy Lawler Good

Photography by Long Cove

Partner Content

“Community is everything, period. There are other places you can buy a lake home, sure, but the community is what really makes Long Cove worth a lot more,” says renowned builder and homeowner Robert Elliott. “That’s one of the big reasons we built our own family lake home here. Going to a place where you and your kids can know a few friends and meet new ones is a difference maker. The social spontaneity makes it great.” Another Longcovian, Kate Cutshall, adds, “We’re all into our Mahjong and pickleball. Wherever you are, you just make friends. People here are outgoing and genuinely interested in getting to know you, how you got here, and where you’re from.”

Proximity is another plus that makes Long Cove the go-to getaway home. Rob Crain is all about it, “We decompress in that hour and 15 minute drive. And once we’re here, if one of the kids happens to have a soccer or football game, I’ll drive back to Dallas. We’ll play our game, and it’s close enough where we can drive right back.”

The fun’s baked in at Long Cove, so you can roll in with an open agenda, and no two weekends are ever the same. As Elliott happily points out, “You don’t have to plan much. It just happens. One day you’ll be having lunch at someone’s pool, then taking a bunch of kids out tubing or wake boarding, and then find yourself at the end the day having tequila on someone else’s porch.”

You’ve heard a few sound bites from homeowners, why not see for yourself? Hop in the car and the Long Cove Realty Team will show you ’round with a shoreline boat tour. Get in touch at 214-220-4924 or

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