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Creating a Routine for This New 'Normal'

Mom-Bossing x 100

Article by Eboni Ward

Photography by Sai De Silva

Real Question: How are you coping and balancing the new normal of working from home while having to learn common core math and teach your little ones?

So by now, you may be like me where you're working from home, living on Zoom, teaching your child that it's carry the 1 and not "draw a box to make a friendly 10" and driving yourself crazy with the new day-to-day life! When our worlds first switched around, I found myself in a constant state of confusion, juggling, being late to Zoom meetings, feeding minion late—basically a hot mess! Then I realized that in order to be successful with teaching her, working from home, managing new clients, and constant virtual pivots, I had to step back and assess the situation the same way I would for a large brand redevelopment project! Here are a few tips that helped me become more successful as both a business owner and mom during these times.

1. A Clean Space is a Productive Space

If Marie Kondo and Mary Poppins somehow had a baby, this is who you and the family need to become for at least a day! Growing up, my parents would start blasting old-school music, the smell of cleaning solvents would already be wafting through the air, and we just knew it was going down. Top to bottom, everything needs to find its home or go to the trash! Clean, clean, clean your space!

2. Meal Prep

No, I am not talking about meal prepping for a specific diet, but planning out your meals and recipes. Find recipes that can either be made in a crock pot or oven to free up your hands so you can focus on other tasks! My go-to website is! I typically try to stick to meals that can be eaten for 2-3 days and still taste great!

3. Put Everyone on a Schedule, Including Yourself

This is sooo important! Review everyone's weekly schedule on Sunday (at the latest) and be sure to schedule in your meals, their classes and your meetings. Know it in advance, and allow it to set the tone for the week.

4. "Me" Time

Find an hour for yourself just to be silent or quiet and one hour to do something you love that makes you laugh, sweat or smile! Being at home for hours at end, it's a must to keep moving and to find something to relax you!

5. Unplug from Social Media and Talk to a Friend on the Phone

Gossip, exchange ideas, laugh about the latest TikTok or meme; just engage with someone other than coworkers and your children's teachers.

Implementing these few things has helped me keep my sanity, and I hope it helps you keep yours too.