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Spring Forward


Article by Susan Brewer

Photography by praethip

Spring is a time of renewal and fresh starts, and your home's décor shouldn't be an exception! Here at Susan Brewer Service First Real Estate, we know even small changes can create a big impact. So, ditch the winter blues and embrace the vibrant energy of spring with these five easy hacks to spruce up your home's interior:

1. Lighten Up and Let the Sunshine In:

  • Banish Winter Blues: Open those curtains and blinds! Natural light is a natural mood booster and creates a more spacious feel. Wash windows for sparkling clarity and maximize sunlight penetration.
  • Light Fixture Refresh: Consider swapping out heavy winter curtains for lighter, breezy fabrics in soft spring colors. Don't forget to dust and update lampshades for a brighter overall effect.

2. Embrace the Power of Color:

  • Seasonal Swaps: Introduce pops of spring color through throw pillows, cushions, and area rugs. Opt for pastel hues, floral patterns, or light and airy shades that reflect the season's renewal.
  • Blooming Accents: Fresh flowers are a quintessential symbol of spring! Decorate with vibrant bouquets or potted plants to add a touch of nature's beauty and a burst of color to your space.

3. A Spring Cleaning for the Senses:

  • Scentsitive Solutions: Swap out heavy winter scents for lighter, fresher fragrances. Think citrusy notes, floral aromas, or clean linen scents to evoke the feeling of spring.
  • Deep Clean Carpets and Upholstery: Spring is the perfect time for a deep clean! Freshen up carpets, rugs, and upholstery to eliminate lingering winter dust and odors.

4. Embrace the Art of Decluttering:

  • Less is More: Spring is a time for renewal, so declutter your living space! Pack away heavy winter throws and bulky décor. Edit shelves and surfaces to create a sense of calm and organization.
  • Multi-Functional Magic: Spring cleaning is a great time to reassess furniture placement and functionality. Consider rearranging furniture to create a more open and inviting flow.

5. DIY for a Personal Touch:

  • Craft Corner: Unleash your creativity with a fun DIY project! Create a spring-themed wreath for your front door, or update old picture frames with a fresh coat of paint.
  • Rearrange Artwork: Reimagine your existing artwork by rearranging gallery walls or swapping out pieces for a more seasonal feel.

Susan Brewer Service First Real Estate (636)936-8600

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