When was the last time you carved out some space, just for yourself, to do something you love? If you’re still trying to remember, you will want to keep reading. Too often, for so many of us, taking the time to do something you love or pursue a passion takes a backseat. The day-to-day, work, kids, spouse, and trying to figure out what’s for dinner Every. Single. Night. so quickly fills our time and energy. Randy Young sees this all too often in his line of work.
Randy is a Certified Peer Support Specialist (CPSS) and started Revive with Randy to support others working through their mental health struggles. “I never thought I could make a career out of what I do,” says Randy. “But a market has evolved as more people are seeking support for their mental health. I went through my own mental struggles. My life was not balanced. I had no downtime, and my lifestyle wasn’t allowing me to do what I’m passionate about and recharge my batteries. It completely drained me.”
Randy is one of the lucky ones who is able to make a living out of what he loves to do: help people. After being let go from his IT job when the pandemic hit, Randy started his handyman business, Handy Randy, and later that same day, signed up to be a CPSS, starting him on the trajectory for a balanced life.
“One of the big things I get joy out of is helping people. I recently finished a home project for a couple, and they were elated with how it turned out; I helped make their life a little better, and that is my happy drug. Of course, it’s different for everyone. You don’t have to make your career what you’re passionate about,” says Randy. “The most important thing is to find that personal balance. That time for yourself where you can become the best version of yourself so you can be the best version to everyone else.”
So, where do you start?
“What I like to do with my clients is to have them list what they do in a week. We see what takes up their time and if there is anything they can set aside for now and instead take that time to recharge. What can you trade off to create that space to be purposeful and do something for yourself? One of the challenging parts is understanding that it’s okay to take that time and it’s not selfish to do so,” says Randy.
For many, even after carving out that space, you may find yourself stuck with what it even looks like to recharge. What is your passion? What is revitalizing for you? What gives you energy? “If you’re not sure, take the time you’ve set aside to explore all possibilities. Find what creates balance for you. I always recommend starting with something that also uses your hands, like woodworking, painting, or yoga,” says Randy. “Anything that requires you to stay focused with your hands helps you stay grounded and be present in the moment.”
Randy also advises that one of the most important things to do is to start slowly and work your way into it. “Start with small adjustments. Maybe you find drawing doesn’t work, but painting does. If you have a lunch break at work, be sure to actually take it. Once you find something that works for you consistently, then you can start adding in more.”
During a month that focuses so much on love, show yourself some love. Create that space for balance, and take the time to discover your passions and do what you love.