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A Conversation with the Kansas City Region Porsche Club of America

Turbocharge your love for Porsche with KC’s local community: “We are much more than a car club, we are an experience.” 

 The Kansas City Region Porsche Club of America (KCRPCA) has existed for over sixty years, giving Porsche owners a place to bond over the mutual love for one of the most iconic cars ever created. We took the time to chat with local chapter member and former Board Member, Jeffrey Tudas, about what the club entails and to give a glimpse into how fun and tight-knit this crew is.

CL: What is it about Porsche that people fall in love with?  

JT: The Porsche 911 model is so iconic and recognizable, and while there are other models, this is the one that resonates the most for me.  There are many other incredible models based on the owners needs and preferences.   There are the older model air-cooled, the 914’s, Boxster, Macan, Taycan just to call out a few.  The other thing is in addition to having an authentic racing heritage, they are also true street cars that you can drive comfortably and enjoyably. 70% of Porsches made are still on the road today which tells you that the DNA of the Porsche brand is exemplary. 

CL: When and where does the club meet?

JT: We have a very active club that hosts a wide range of events allowing our members to pick what’s of most interest to them.    We meet weekly on Saturdays for 7 am breakfast at Pegah’s in Lenexa, where at least 50 or more members routinely gather and chat about everything from the shiny new penny of a model that someone bought, which exhaust will provide that perfect symphonic note or angry growl,  to the latest family news. Saturday morning breakfast is a 50-year tradition for the club.   Additionally, the chapter hosts many ongoing events, such as New Member gatherings, Driving Tours, Drivers Education, PCA Club Racing, Autocross, Ice Cream Socials, Tech Sessions, and the annual Oktoberfest and Holiday parties.  There are many activities to engage our diverse membership population, we usually have at least one if not two events every week-end.   

CL: Who are the members of the local chapter and how does one become one?

JD: We have a very active club filled with Porsche owners across many demographics -men, women and people of all ages.  When you buy a Porsche, you are encouraged to join the PCA and in doing so, our local chapter is notified of the buyer and the model they purchased. From there, the Membership Director reaches out to connect and invites them in to join for breakfast or an upcoming event. Members receive routine email communications listing the monthly activities along with registration links.   We have a region newsletter that provides interesting stories and information to keep you informed and up to date on club activities. The best part is that there is something for everyone in the club: Some simply love going to breakfast while others go specifically to test their driving skills while weaving their way through Auto Cross. Driver’s Education offers the opportunity to drive with an experienced instructor around a race track, and even junior fans are strongly encouraged to join as members and exercise their early love for the automobile. We often hear from members that the love of the brand may have brought us together, but it’s the people that keeps us engaged.  

Sidenote, Jeff and I chatted about the common bond of being a kid and recognizing then the power of the Porsche. Jeff grew up with a poster on his wall and has always remembered the first time he saw one on the road. For me, it was navigating my remote-controlled black 911 model all around, and as a minor, I lived for that small but mighty, aspirational driving experience.

“It starts with the cars, but it’s really about the people and the overall experience. I joined this club because I bought a Porsche, but these people have become very good friends over the years. If I have a need, whether Porsche or family-related, I know where to go. It’s hard to explain but it’s truly more than the cars.” 

Learn more about joining this community and read up on the award-winning KCRPCA newsletter at and @kcrpca.