Here on the Western slope, we are lucky to have incredible people dedicated to the community. People who go above and beyond. They sacrifice their time and talents to make the community a better place with the work they do, not just in the work environment, but in their home as well. People who have given their blood, sweat and tears to a community they love and believe in.
One such person is Lori Randall. She is someone, who quite literally, has dedicated her life to the betterment of Mesa County. Lori moved here from Craig with her parents, Ken and Sally Henderson, and siblings in 1975 when her parents bought the Mesa Lakes Lodge. It was then known as Mesa Lakes Resort. Lori’s “keep fighting the good fight” motto is something that was instilled in her as a youth. “My mom and dad were so influential in my life. I was raised with parents who taught me the value of having a positive outlook on life. They taught us to keep going no matter what the circumstances. They also taught us to contribute to making the world a better place.”
Lori attended Plateau Valley High School and graduated in 1979. She then, in 1980, went to Utah and attended Brigham Young University for 2 years and then transferred to the University of Portland from which she graduated with a bachelor's degree in nursing. With degree in hand, she moved across the country from one Washington to the other, settling in Washington D.C for 9 years. It is there where she started a family while working full-time as a traveling nurse. Her first 2 children, Rachel and Emily, were born while they were in D.C. In 1995 she, and her family, returned to Colburn. It’s here where she completed her family with 2 more children, Spencer and Amanda.
In 1996 she became a temp nurse on the night shift at Family Health West. She was put on a waitlist for a year and became a full-time employee in 1997 as a staff nurse. Working at FHW has been an adventure. She has done just about everything there is to do there. From running Quality Infection Control to FHW Executive Vice President of Operations and Chief Nursing Officer which is currently her title. She became the Director of Nursing in 1998 followed by the Nursing Home Administrator in 2004. In 2005 she became the Chief Nursing Officer and has carried that title ever since. In 2012 she became the Chief Operating Officer and in 2014 became the Executive Vice President.
For 27 years, Lori has dedicated her life to the needs of the people in the community through her work at FHW. For the first 16 years, she had the honor of working with two “men of integrity” as she called them. Dennis Fickland who was CEO/CFO of FHW and Errol Snider who was COO. She knew that she was in the right place for the right reason when working with them. When asked who was someone she looked up to she said, “Errol Snider. He is now the Chaplain at FHW. He is my mentor and confidante. He is a bright light and an amazing person. He can make anyone feel like they are his best friend. I try to be like Errol.”
Lori is passionate about her work and is an example to all those around her. She is a strong leader, who is kind and compassionate, yet gets the job done. Linda Southam, an RN in Pre-op and PACU at FHW had this to say about Lori. “I find Lori to be honest and fair. She has a compassionate heart and she truly strives to make the patient experience the best it can be. She has a passion for making FHW the best hospital in the valley. She is a good friend and doesn’t know a stranger in the hallways. I feel honored to have worked with her for the last 14 years.” Holly Krouse, FHW Director of Nutrition Services said this about Lori. “Lori is an amazing mentor and leader. She is strong, independent, intelligent, and an advocate for many. She is also kind, humble, and has a steadfast moral compass. She is dedicated to her family, her faith, Family Health West and the Fruita Community.”
Work is not the only thing Lori is dedicated to. Her family is, and always has been, her top priority. Living hasn’t always been easy and at times truly hard. Working full-time as a single mother was a difficult thing. But she never let anything get in the way of raising her 4 children as strong, independent, loving people. She has made sure they have been given every opportunity possible to them. She has instilled strong morals and values in them, and they have grown to be outstanding adults. Lori now has the joy of being a grandmother to 6 (almost 7) beautiful grandchildren and enjoys every second of being with them. Lori met and married the love of her life in 2015. She and her husband Mick love to get out and go camping. One of their favorite places is Ridgeway, but they go wherever they can to spend time outdoors. They are avid rockhounds and spend hours hunting for them whenever they are able.
Lori and Mick spend lots of time volunteering in the community. FHW is one of those places. However, they also help with the Food Bank of the Rockies and help serve at the Grand Valley Catholic Outreach Soup Kitchen.
Lori’s faith and activity in her church has always been a priority as well. She loves God and Jesus Christ and is devoted to them. Which is reflected in everything that she does. She is always willing to serve in whatever capacity she is asked, and does so with a willing, loving heart.
When asked what her favorite thing about the community was, she said, “This community is strong because of the people. CMU is a wonderful college. My church is strong here. It’s just a great place to live and raise a family.”