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A Journey To Optimum Wellness And Energy

Physical Therapist turned Functional Wellness Coach, offers new 4 month 1:1 path to optimal health

Article by Stephanie Parnell

Photography by Provided

Originally published in Cypress Lifestyle

So many people are sick and tired of being…sick and tired. Nagging symptoms like chronic fatigue, brain fog, and others such as digestion issues and aching joints can make life simply miserable. For people who know this struggle intimately, Sharnie Grewal’s new four-month Optimal Wellness Program can get life back on track. 

People who suffer with conditions like chronic lack of energy, skin issues, lethargy, IBS issues, and menstrual problems often find themselves frustrated with the lack of care they receive. They may have hopped from doctor to specialist and back again, receiving ineffectual care and advice. Meanwhile, their symptoms are dogged, never giving them respite and disrupting their daily lives, holding them back from leading a more fulfilling life. 

Perhaps they’ve tried various medications, played around with diet, and even tried meditation to reduce stress, but to no avail. Their symptoms are still there, day in and day out, increasing stress and interrupting a life well-lived. 

If this rings true, Sharnie Grewal’s Optimal Wellness Program is the key to healing and wholeness. Her Functional Wellness Coaching aims at taking a deeper dive into finding issues that doctors might be missing. Sharnie’s program takes a purely holistic approach that’s entirely tailored to the person while skipping outdated treatment methods for health and wellness. 

Rather than prescribing a batch of new pills with side effects or advocating intense 60-minute workout classes, Sharnie focuses on healing each of the internal systems of the body to unleash vitality and energy. 

"Your body is innately designed to be in balance and heal itself. It wants to heal," Sharnie explains,"When your body’s natural balance is disrupted, it experiences illness and 'dis-ease'. If you give your body what it needs, it heals. But, uncovering what it needs, requires getting to the underlying issue."

Sharnie provides an initial 90-minute consultation to gain a comprehensive understanding of symptoms and issues followed by a customized Optimal Wellness roadmap. She’ll determine which labs to order and provide intensive private follow-up coaching and support to ensure users are set firmly on a healing path. The program also includes 16 weeks of chat support inside the exclusive Optimal Wellness Membership Portal which includes additional resources like video training, handouts, recipes and more.

Sharnie helps turn people’s bodies into healthy, nourished, balanced powerhouses capable of fighting off diseases and having reservoirs of energy to propel them through the day. 


Client Testimonials

Bhavna lost 25 pounds, sleeps through the night and wakes up full of energy.

“I had digestive issues for a long time. Despite being on acid-blocking medication for years, I couldn’t eat after 4:30 PM, or I wasn’t able to sleep at night. I had to be super picky on what I ate so I wouldn’t experience acid reflux.

As I started with Sharnie, I noticed the extra pounds coming off, and I was able to sleep better. Now when I go to bed, I sleep through the night and wake up full of energy in the morning.

I had always had a very hard time sticking to new health changes, but I was surprised at my own willpower — which I give Sharnie a lot of credit for. I feel so amazing overall, with all my symptoms. It’s easy to stick with! My energy is amazing, and I’ve lost a total of 25 pounds so far. I’m so grateful that I started this journey, and with Sharnie as my guide through it all.”

-Bhavna Sharma

Shuba cleared her eczema, lost 15 pounds, healed her menstrual issues and unlocked new levels of energy.

“When I began my health journey with Sharnie, I was in pretty poor health. My eczema was out of control. I had low energy. And despite regular exercise, I was unable to lose the 15 pounds I gained due to my thyroid problems.

Over the next 4 months, my eczema decreased dramatically. I lost those 15 pounds, I had more energy, and to my surprise, my menstrual symptoms and sporadic headaches disappeared.

I’m so grateful for Sharnie’s knowledge, her guidance, and her soothing and healing energy. Now I understand that I have the ability to heal, and I’m able to allow my mind, body and spirit to thrive.”

-Shuba Bindra

Rachael reclaimed her life & health. Her pain has shifted and her energy has transformed.

“When I started the program I was recovering from Covid-19. I was overweight with a large belly. My energy level was really low. I was on narcotic pain pills for incessant headaches. My ankles were swollen and my legs were weak. I could only climb stairs with a great deal of difficulty. My digestion was poor. I had a lot of heartburn and stomach aches. Everything seemed to hurt my stomach when I ate.

Now, my stomach has reduced and continues to do so daily. My energy has improved and I am sleeping better. I have been able to go days without pain meds. My back is so much more flexible and comfortable and I can climb stairs. As my energy level got better I found myself wanting to do more around my house and yard.

I love that my mental and emotional outlook are positive and that I have tools to feel my feelings, learn from them and move forward. I feel like this program has helped me reclaim my life and I wasn't sure that it was possible before this program.”

-Rachael Maycock

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