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A Summer Guide to Exercising Outside


Article by Hayley Hyer

Photography by Stock Images

Here's your guide to working out this summer with every kind of exercise you could be looking for. Wanna hop in the pool? Upgrade your running shoes? Create a home gym in your backyard? It's all covered below!

2 Workout Routines You Can Do Anywhere

Whether or not you have access to gym equipment or a nice running trail, you can still get a fantastic workout in. Here are some routines that you can do anywhere you are. Don't let your location be what stops you from achieving your goals!

Killer Workouts You Can Do in the Pool

Working out in the summer feels so much harder because of the intense heat. I love exercising in a pool because I can stay cooled off, and I don't really realize how much I'm sweating when I'm covered in water.

One way to get an incredible workout in a pool is simply swimming laps, but your backyard pool probably wasn't made for that purpose, and it can be annoying to keep turning around just to do 5-7 strokes and turn around again.

Here are some other killer ways that you can get your exercise in while enjoying your pool!

Outdoor Workouts Meant for Heat

Yes, working out in the heat and humidity of summer is hard. But there are also some reasons why you might want to use it to your advantage! Think hot yoga—intentionally practicing in a room 90 degrees or higher to sweat more and also be able to move more. When it's hot, your muscles are loose, and it can help you prevent injury. You can also go further in your flexibility.

Try out one of these outdoor workouts built for the heat. Just remember to hydrate and wear your sunscreen!

Be Safe While Exercising Outside

Working out in the sunshine and fresh air can be so good for your body, but you also have to be careful when the temperatures start to rise. The most important things are protecting your skin and staying hydrated.

Obviously, the answer is to drink tons of water and wear sunscreen. But if you want a little extra help staying hydrated and are looking for SPF that is made for working out, check out these products below.

Outdoor Workout Equipment

Home gyms are great, but they require a lot of space. If you don't have a room to dedicate to your exercise equipment, consider getting outdoor equipment and making your home gym in your backyard! Some outdoor workout equipment is meant to keep outside year round, and others can be stored in your garage when you aren't using them.

Is It Time to Update Your Running Shoes?

Whether you run, walk, or skip, if you're hitting the pavement most days this summer, the tread of your shoes is probably going to run down way before your shoes actually start to look worn out.

Appearances can be deceiving, and shoes that still look nice on top may not be providing the same amount of support as they did when you first got them.

Follow Hayley Hyer @hayhyer