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Pecan Tassies

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Pecan Tassies

A Twist on a Holiday Classic

Every holiday season means a return to old favorites. When I was a child, one of my favorite treats were these bite sized delicacies. We call them Pecan Tassies. I don't remember a Thanksgiving without them when I was young. I still remember rolling the dough into round globes, as my mother pressed them quickly into the mini muffin tin pans. She had a knack of expertly pouring the filling so that it just reached the edge of the dough, with no drips between the mini pies. I've not quite mastered that skill, but each year, they still taste just the way I recall them from memory.

My mother passed this recipe down to me when I left home. She collected the Pecan Tassies recipe sometime during the many travels which the military took my parents on in the early years of their marriage. Pecan Tassies have graced her counters and table at every winter holiday since.

I make Pecan Tassies each holiday season for and with my own children. They are delicious and bite-sized, a twist on a pecan pie that is perfect for adults and children alike. This recipe is also an excellent one to prepare with little helpers, children or grandchildren because the recipe is uncomplicated. Share the creation of your Pecan Tassies with a child who can feel accomplished as they form the small globes needed for the mini muffin tins. 

Rows of these sweet mini pecan pies fill my memories of the holidays, along with the scent of them baking. The crust is crumbly and has a little extra something special to hold this treat together. When you bite inside, you'll find pecans and the lovely brown sugar layer that is the recognizable hallmark of any pecan pie. I think you'll enjoy this twist on a classic pecan pie enough to make it a new tradition at your gatherings. 

Pecan Tassies


  • 2 cups flour
  • 6 ounces cream cheese
  • 1 cup butter

Mix together the above ingredients for the dough. Chill in the fridge for one hour. 


  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 3 tablespoons melted butter
  • 1 cup pecans, chopped

Mix filling ingredients. 

Grease mini muffin tins. Form dough into 1-inch globes, rolling until smooth. Place one globe in each muffin tin, pressing in the middle and around the inside of the mini tin to create a tiny pie shell. Pour filling into uncooked dough shells. Bake at 350 F for 25 minutes. 

These small treats are fabulous whether warm from the oven or served at room temperature. Store in a cool, dry container.