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Luebeck Geisler Hamm Wealth Management


Article by David Scheller

Photography by Luebeck Geisler Hamm Wealth Management

Traveling across the globe. Spending summers at your very own cabin. Contributing to your grandkids’ college education. Not working. You would like to spend your golden years doing these things. But like most people, you just aren’t certain whether your money will allow it.

Luebeck Geisler Hamm Wealth Management of Edina offers your best chance at the retirement you dream of. Once the firm’s advisors have understood your unique financial goals, they will help you make the best use of your time and resources so you can achieve those aspirations in full.

“Our first step with each new client we welcome is also the most important,” said Todd Loudenslager, managing director for Luebeck Geisler Hamm Wealth Management. “That is developing a plan. The best plan will give our client their greatest chance at achieving their goals – but we cannot create that plan unless we spend whatever time it takes to know our client’s life goals.

“During our initial “fact-finding” meeting, we will ask you what you want to do in life. We will ask about your short-term and long-term goals. “Every detail matters. For example, we don’t just ask whether you would like to travel during retirement. We also want to know how often you wish to travel during the time leading up to your retirement, which places you prefer traveling to, and how long you tend to visit them. And travel is only one type of goal you may have. Buying a second home, investing in a college fund, and even getting a new car every few years are also worthwhile aspirations that merit careful thought and consideration.

“Then we’ll explore where you stand in terms of making money. What are your debts? Your assets? Your savings, investments, and monthly spending pattern? What kinds of insurance are you using to manage life’s everyday risks? These are personal questions, but they are only personal because the answers to them are so important.

“We leave nothing to chance once we have gathered all of those crucial details. Rather than guesswork, we rely on computer software to show our clients their likelihood of achieving all their goals. Our software runs 1,000 individual simulations that take a wide range of potential market conditions into account, and finally produces the client’s odds of success.

“Our younger clients are often disappointed by their odds – but only until we put them into proper context. We detail the spending and saving habits that will increase their chance of one day realizing an even better retirement than they had originally hoped for. And as they keep working with Luebeck Geisler Hamm over the decades, they can enjoy ever-increasing peace of mind that they’re on the right track as they watch their odds of an ideal retirement continually improve.

“Our clients come from all walks of life. Some are corporate executives; some are tradesmen. We teach all of them that income is not necessarily as important as the amount they are able to save. And it’s never too late to develop good saving habits. Many of our clients have no idea how to start saving when they first sit down with us. We keep Champagne ready to celebrate when they double their net worth, finally save enough for retirement, and reach other major milestones. Those are the moments our advisors live for.”

Please visit to learn more about Luebeck Geisler Hamm Wealth Management’s personalized service, or contact the firm at or (952) 491-9911 to schedule your first meeting.

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