Have you been to The ABQ Collective shops yet? You can’t miss the building with a giant hand-drawn map of Albuquerque created by Tom Lamb. There is more inside and a backyard market space.
Did you know that ABQ Coffee opens even earlier than the shops at 8 am?! Lily says the connection with the community, as something as simple as remembering your name and your order, is what makes this place the one you want to come for your Mexican Mocha or Pink Passion orange-hibiscus tea.
It is hard to pass by Nettie’s favorite things, vintage records, and locally made postcards, without stopping to also find a cool accessory. Head towards the back and you’ll find Beautique Hair Studio that has been there for 7 years. They even have an esthetician in house. Owner Katie and her staff of stylists create a comfortable and casual environment.
Walk back around and check out the rest of the boutiques that you missed last time. If the owners of the shops are not available, you can still walk in to view their collections. Someone will be at the desk in the main area to check you out!
The ABQ Collective also has an amazing outdoor space available for pop up shops, birthday parties, and musicians. Morning backyard markets will pick back up until October.
1321 Eubank Blvd NE theabqcollective@gmail.com www.theabqcollective.com