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Sister Myriah, Mom Jenn, and Kevin the Cat with Makayla

Featured Article

An Amazing Young Lady

Makayla Nobel

In your lifetime, you may never meet anyone who demonstrates, in spite of a life-altering physical injury, poise, grace, and inspiration more than Makayla Noble. Makayla had been a cheerleader for several years of her young life, being only 16 when the accident occurred. After performing countless backflips and numerous other tumbling and cheer exercises, on September 20th, 2021, her timing was off just enough to land her in a way that resulted in a severe spinal cord injury with partial paralysis.

She was involved with a few of the cheerleaders in one of their backyards, attempting to teach about 30 of her classmates part of a routine to be performed at Prosper High School’s homecoming pep rally. Her initial thought? “Gee, I just feel in front of 30 teenagers.” However, she also knew immediately the severity of her injury. She couldn’t move anything from her waist down or her hands.

Makayla was spent 3-4 weeks in ICU at a hospital in Plano. One can only imagine, if you haven’t experienced such a tragic event either yourself or as a family member or friend. Makayla said her worst feelings were initially the realization of how much her life would be altered due to simply a moment in time. Not uncommon for patients who have had a tracheotomy, she developed an issue with her lungs that delayed her going to rehab, but, finally, on her 17th birthday, Makayla finally got to go to rehab. But before leaving, she was surprised by a visit by all of the first responders who helped her on that fateful day.

You get a sense of the empathy this young lady exudes when you hear her talk about her experiences in the rehab facility, TIRR in Houston, TX. This facility focuses on patients with all kinds of cranial and spinal injuries as well as amputees. Makayla said she saw many with much more significant injuries and issues than hers. She became known as the “Mayor of the Rehab Floor” because she learned everyone’s name and constantly was showing her beautiful smile while enduring all she had to during her 4 weeks there.

Makayla is now receiving rehab at Baylor. Finally being at home, she says one of the biggest adjustments she has had to make is the fact that, after having been around so many in wheelchairs, it is odd for her to be the only one typically in one. But she was recently baptized and says her faith is one of the things who helps her through it all. The petite, but spunky, little girl who was nicknamed “Big Mac” has grown into a beautiful, smiling, and inspiring young lady with the nickname of Mak. So, you will find many of her links and the stories about her referring to such things as Mak’s Story at

Support has poured in, but so much more is needed to get her and her family through the costs due to her injury. Funds have been raised through a site such as Makayla’s Fight and events as the 1st Annual Do It for Mak Golf Tournament, with plans for a second next year already in the making.

Makayla’s family moved to Prosper six years ago from Indiana and prior to her injury she had achieved so many accolades as a cheerleader. Mak joined Cheer Athletics in Plano earning a position as a flyer on the world champion, Cheetahs (Large Senior Coed Level 6). Mak went on to earn national honors, including the 2018 NCA National Championship and the 2019 Cheer World Championship. Mak achieved the honor of being named High School All-American for three consecutive years. She has had to change her outlook for college since she will no longer be able to gain a scholarship for cheering (her choice to attend would probably have been The University of Oklahoma), but now she anticipates earning a degree in some business major. She also wants to eventually write a book about her story that would serve as an inspiration for anyone who has suffered from a similar, life-altering injury.

Jenn Love, Makayla’s mother couldn’t be prouder of how much support of family, friends, and even strangers from around the world have all offered financial support, gifts, and, more importantly, love for Makayla. Rounding out the household is a female cat named “Kevin”, a sweet orange tabby who loves sitting in Makayla’s lap while purring.

The one thing Makayla wants people to know about her is that she is the same “me”. One thing for sure, as you search through the pictures of her as a cheerleader and then see her smile today, you can see that her perseverance though it all hasn’t changed her at all.