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An Island's Field of Dreams

This Charity Begins at Home... Plate

Article by Don Seaman

Photography by Chris McCormack

Originally published in Wayne Lifestyle

The trip to Cuba that began with so much fear ended up being the most beautiful experience he had in his whole life. Chris’ love of baseball is shared by their entire country. During his time there, he’s spent weeks just playing baseball with the locals there, including his “favorite place in the world,” a minor-league stadium in Baracoa, literally on the beach. “You can hear the waves crashing as you play.”

But as palpable as their passion is, that’s just how bereft they are of equipment. Cardboard boxes folded to be used as gloves. Catchers without masks. But they don’t care, they play on. 

His experiences there inspired him to get involved directly, spearheading a foundation that provides equipment for kids to play baseball. He’s since made multiple trips there, personally delivering donations he’s collected.

He’d give a 5-year-old a new baseball, they’d look at it like it was a pearl. He’d ask bus drivers if he had kids, then he’d give them two baseballs. They’d ask him to autograph them. That’s just how desperate — and appreciative — this baseball-crazed nation is for new equipment.

For more information to help support Chris’ cause for bringing baseball dreams to the people of Cuba, go to the story on his website: