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Anatomy of a Man Cave

Unearth your ultimate man cave with function and design by Permanent Coating Solutions

Article by Emily McKeever

Photography by Maria Claire Photography

Originally published in Waconia City Lifestyle

Everyone has heard the term man cave, but what started in the late 20th century with a couple of average joes, Bob and Stanley, sitting in an unfinished basement on an old ratty couch under a couple of neon beer signs has evolved into so much more. Throughout history, men have searched for spaces to retreat to for male conversation and recreation, perhaps in their actual cave, enjoying a quiet nap on a bed of leaves and grass, or much (much) later at pubs, social clubs, and lodges. The man caves we’re all familiar with gained traction as suburban living grew in popularity and the average home square footage began to increase, allowing for these testosterone territories to be right in his very own backyard or tucked in the shadows of the basement. And what’s happened since? Well, let’s just say (man) caves have come a long way from dirt floors and petroglyphs. 

Randy Stodola, owner of Permanent Coating Solutions, has played a part in making many a man cave sparkle, and after learning more about how he and his team can elevate your space, you’ll be motivated to toss that thrifted couch to the curb and get to work. “Right now, the most popular flooring options for man caves are the resinous systems, with Metallic Epoxy, Full Flake, and Colored Quartz being the most common.” He says they’re the best all-around value for the money, being both aesthetically pleasing and functional. “They’re very decorative, and there are literally hundreds of options to choose from. They can also be customized to match existing colors or themes, which we do at no additional charge to our clients.” He shares that one exciting, personalized detail they can incorporate into their projects is embedding logos in the floor coating. Randy says clients often opt for their top sports team, favorite car or truck brand, preferred tractor, or beer of choice. These floor coatings provide a decorative look, but they’re also abrasion and chemical-resistant with choices of gloss or high-wear satin finishes.

Permanent Coating Solutions also offers numerous storage solutions because who wants to be tripping over clutter on the way to the fridge? “I learn what the client’s needs and budget are, and from there, our team develops a customized package.” Randy also takes time to understand the basics. Is the client open to wallboard storage solutions where bikes, shovels, garden tools, and more can be hung? If so, a slate wall is a good option that comprises different sizes and types of hanging hooks, which then makes hanging baskets a possibility for holding balls, gloves, and other miscellaneous items. If the client would rather have a neat and clean look, they begin talking cabinets: uppers, lowers, tall, or a healthy mix of all three. “We can also do custom workbenches with butcher blocks, Formica, or metal tops and can integrate custom lighting into the cabinets and workbenches as well."

So, there you have it. After you get your Full Flake flooring installed (insert go-to beer logo here), along with the wall of cabinets with custom lighting, you’re ready to start decking out your new favorite room. Will you decide to roll a fancy new pool table into your garage-turned-dude den? For football games, a big-screen TV is essential, and what will you fill that empty corner of space with? Retro is back, and along with it comes arcade machines or take the cool factor up a notch and install a merchandiser fridge! When it’s time for dinner, simply open the garage door and go all caveman, grilling up some hearty meats served with a healthy helping of rustic potatoes and some root vegetables straight from the Stone Age… Bob and Stanley will love it.

One exciting, personalized detail they can incorporate into their projects is embedding logos in the floor coating.