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Artists of Westport and Weston

Art In Its Many Forms

Shari Lebowitz

Paperpreneur, Bespoke Designs

Shari’s invitation are the art that elevates an event or an announcement. The design and quality of her work engages the recipient and communicates its purpose before a single line is read.

How she discovered her art:

“I believe my art chose me! When I got engaged in 2016, I couldn't find a place in Westport to have wedding invitations made. So I opened the destination that offered the experience I was looking for. Original designs, innovative materials, a joyous environment, and full service at every touchpoint.”

Her dream invitation:

“Adele's wedding!  Because her energy and laughter carries me through so much design time. And because I believe in second weddings. (!!)”

What she’s learned:

“Every single story that we have the honor of sharing - a wedding, a mitzvah, an 80th birthday - fills me with tremendous joy.”


Sarah True

Founder & Creative Director, True Event

Part installation, part performance art, everyone from the guests to the bartender plays a significant role in Sarah’s events. The parties appeal to all senses while being functional, allowing its theatre to appear effortless and joyously memorable.

Why events?: 

"I first fell in love with the art of entertaining when I was living in NYC, 15 years ago.  

Her inspiration:

“Inspiration is everywhere, I love finding it in the most unexpected places. When I go on long runs or walks on the beach, watching the sunset and the gorgeous colors that bleed into the sky. It is so cool how nature inspires color palettes for weddings and events; it is the best daily does of inspiration if you just stop for a minute and look. I also love going into Anthropologie and Terrain downtown and pulling from stores, and from interior design and fashion magazines.”


Butch Quick


Butch’s portraits show more than a subject’s face; they convey their culture, emotions, their past and future, even the air around them. They make the viewer inspired, surprised, and immersed in what they are seeing.

Why he photographs people:

“I love deeply connecting, meeting people, it’s incredibly easy for me. I’ll stop a total stranger, introduce myself, and in seconds I'm given the opportunity to capture their amazing presence!! For a lot of people that's hard, but for me it’s a huge part of the journey.

“Every person I meet and capture leaves with a smile, knowing that I saw them and how beautiful they are. That gives me joy and we are strangers no more!”

If he could meet anyone:

“Without question, the incredible legendary photojournalist and Life Magazine photographer Gordon Parks and iconic fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh!”


John Videler


John's landscape and drone photography reflect a lifetime of  knowledge and love of our town. Whether the Cribari Bridge in December or a crystal-smooth Saugatuck River, they exquisitely remind us of the remarkable nature of what we see every day.

When he decided to pursue photography:

“I knew I wanted to be a photographer from seeing my father photographing food products for Pepperidge Farm. He was a commercial photographer working exclusively for them and I would watch him photograph Milano cookies, blueberry tarts, and Godiva chocolates.”

Where he finds inspiration:

“Television, movies, hiking, podcasts, youtube.... it comes from everywhere.”

His dream shoot:

“I’ve always wanted to photograph the Tour De France. Every year I watch it on television and I wish I could shoot the whole month.”


Kid Sistr

All-Women New-York-Born Indie Trio

The collaborative artistry of musicians is only possible with a rare, singular creative identity. This band of three older sisters brilliantly musicalizes the hard candy/teen angst/what the h@ll aesthetic of the ruthless and adored kaleidoscope of life. Of note, they recently opened for musician Willow Smith.

How Sara chose her art:

“I was 11 and I couldn’t stick with any extra curricular activity. I quit everything I tried. My mom was sick of it so she enrolled me in a rock band music program. As soon as I played one song with the other kids I was hooked. I still remember how I loved the feeling of my ears ringing after rehearsals. I was sort of a troubled kid and playing loud rock music made me feel like I was special.”

Becca’s inspiration:

“I get inspired by movement. I’m a big believer that movement can really shake loose emotions and ideas that won’t come out if you’re sitting still. I like to take long walks with my journals. I walk until I get an idea or a feeling, and then I pause to journal it out.”

What Sabel has learned:

“I’ve definitely learned to trust myself a lot more. Whether it be in songwriting or business, I’ve realized the validity of my decisions more and more.”


  • Shari Lebowitz (Photo: Julia D'Agostino)
  • (Photo: Kate Jordan)
  • (Photo: Kate Jordan)
  • John Videler
  • Butch Quick
  • Fedora in Atlanta
  • Craig Melvin and Lindsay Czarinak in a party photo booth. (Photo: Leila Brewster)
  • (Photo: Christina Rodriguez)
  • Sarah True (Photo: Brooke Allison)